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Hfan last won the day on December 20 2020

Hfan had the most liked content!

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    Jersey Shore

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  1. Very cool, Peter
  2. FWIW, I was worried about your absense as well. Didn't want to intrude. I've had some of your thoughts as well, I agree that forums in general (guitar, amp etc) can be habit forming and it is easier to visit them than put in the work on our instruments. Sounds like you have a good plan. Don't be a total stranger either.
  3. FWIW, I was worried about you as well Josh. Glad all is well. You have a point about spending too much time reading / posting about things guitar and neglecting actually playing and or learning. I've had that thought many times myself. Sometimes it is just easier to zone out in front of a computer.
  4. Hfan

    Hfan - My Heritages

    04 535 "35 Special" with SD Antiquities , 2006 575 Custom with Seth Lovers, 2005 150 with Stormy Monday Bare Knuckles, 02 157 Trans-Black,
  5. Hfan

    Going to the pub...

    Hi Mark, Seems like a nice problem to have. To be able to sing well and also play lead is a blessing. I wish I could pick up an acoustic and sing a tune on pitch. Sounds like you have some good friends to play with, another blessing. I really miss playing out, been working on remedying that. Hang in with the unemployment situation. I know what it is like. I'm in my early 50s and have had to return to school for a total career change.
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