Jazzpunk Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Has anybody ever visited this site? Big guitar dealer out of Las Vegas. www.edroman.com Click on the link for Blues Deluxe and scroll down about 2/3 the way where he compares his Blues Deluxe model (335 style) to Heritage and Gibson. Seems to be some outright lies publiished there about Heritage! Why do some of these guitars have the original Eastman logo and some have the Roman logo? Did he take the fingerstyle tailpiece from the Eastman hollowbody design and put it on their solid top semi-hollow and call it the 'Blues Deluxe'? Does he have a deal with Eastman where they put the Roman logo on there for him or did he 'borrow' their body and headstock design? I'm confused!
Jazzpunk Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Check this out! Look at the 10th image on the Blues Deluxe page and you will see the Roman logo on the headstock (in the section that states the price): Blues Deluxe Now click on that image and it will open up to another page showing this guitar: WTF?!!!!
JeffB Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Ed Romans a funny strange little man. I love that he feels important enough to post the stuff he does. I love how people hate him and go out of there way to discredit him(its not hard, the guy is a self serving troll) and yet he still keeps popping up in threads on every guitar forum. By talking about the knob we all perpetuate his reason for being and to keep putting out the nonsense he does. Well done internet. Its not about guitars for him. Its about his own profile on the internet.
Jazzpunk Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Oh wait, I figured it out. He sells Eastman guitars featuring solid tops which they've been making for years and than he sells Roman/Eastman guitars of the same design except that they feature never before offered solid top designs ( ) and than he sells the same exact design that is made at his shop (I think. He never mentions that Eastman guitars are made in China so not exactly sure...) but cost $1,000 more. Got it!
mark555 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Oh wait, I figured it out. He sells Eastman guitars featuring solid tops which they've been making for years and than he sells Roman/Eastman guitars of the same design except that they feature never before offered solid top designs ( ) and than he sells the same exact design that is made at his shop (I think. He never mentions that Eastman guitars are made in China so not exactly sure...) but cost $1,000 more. Got it! We even know about Ed here in England - I wonder if I can say what I want about him.. Anyway, there will always be those ready to deal with such an individual and believe all his hype. He gives us some thing to smile about at least.
Sparky Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I was promised a six to eight week delivery by Ed Romans employees for my custom Heritage. It took 360 days. Oh, but thats not EDS fault. They just made promises to get my money and didn't hold up their end of the business deal. Fuck that guy. If I saw him on fire I'd throw gasoline on him. Maybe some of those who haven't had personal dealings with that fuckhole should look at some of the reviews on Harmony Central. Another thing... that fuck wouldn't even give me a receipt for the guitar, plus they shipped it to the wrong address (2300 miles away) AFTER I NOTIFIED THEM FOUR TIMES!!!! By all means... buy from Ed Roman.
Blunote Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Gee . . . I don't know golferwave. "border on being mean spirited"??? Turd, douch bag, a waste of good sperm . . . . that's a border with about as much definition as the one separating Mexico and Arizona. I guess it's not a legal concern to cast insults such as those. But, I for one really believe us to be above that. That's just not consistent with the character of the people I met at this past PSPIII event. The most important element in defending against libel, slander or defamation is the absence of malice and or malicious intent. I detected a great deal of sentiment in those post that would probably fall into the malice catagory. I apologize. I didn't mean to take on a holy-er than thou persona. Just offering what I thought would be some good prudent advice to anyone who cared to listen. I'll just mind my own business in the future. Patrick, from what I'm reading, it's only self respecting Douche Bags that have cause for lawsuit here...given the multiple comparisons to Ed Roman.
koula901 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I can see that the gentleman in question has won over the hearts and minds of HOC members! : )
GuitArtMan Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 The language I've read herein references . . "shady dealings" "questionable credibility" "insurance fraud", and more. This reference to a man . . . and more importantly, his business . . . can be argued to hqave caused damage and/or the perception of calling the man and his business dishonest. Whether or not he could win such a law suit is always open to the interpretation of a judge or a jury . . . and therein lies the problem. All I'm saying is watch what you put in print. Even if he doesn't win such a law suit . . . do you really want to spend thousands in legal fees defending those comments?? It's easier to just be careful of what you put in print . . . which is all I said in the first place. If the man really is a scum bag . . . and if everyone already knows it . . . then there's really no reason to beat that drum any further. I think that we and our friends on Parsons Street are above that. I could probably load up my old Win2k machine and find the old email where the guy wanted me to tell UPS that the guitar I wanted to return to him was stolen off of my doorstep (after he shipped ti to me while I was on Christmas vacation and I asked him not to) and then use the insurance money to buy another guitar from him. I use it as a dual boot machine and usually run Ubuntu, but the Win2k is still on there...
Patrick Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I could probably load up my old Win2k machine and find the old email where the guy wanted me to tell UPS that the guitar I wanted to return to him was stolen off of my doorstep (after he shipped ti to me while I was on Christmas vacation and I asked him not to) and then use the insurance money to buy another guitar from him. I use it as a dual boot machine and usually run Ubuntu, but the Win2k is still on there... GuitArtMan: Conspiring to defraud an insurance company is a very serious crime. If you have that email, you should find it and hold on to it. It just might come in useful someday. Especially if your response to it was a legally and morally appropriate one. It's not unusual for a person of questionable character, whom ever they might be, to do something stupid like create a paper trail of suggestions to break the law for monitary gain. I think my original message might have somehow gotten lost here. I'm not defending or condoning this guy or his actions . . . or asking that they be excused. And I don't doubt that everything posted about him is accurate. But, this is exactly the kind of a person who will deny everything, then slap a law suit on people and try to capitalize on the exposure and outcome of it. Think Rod "Blago" Blagojevich. Sometimes, in a such a person's warped little mind, they will actually believe that such comments written about them are actually false . . . lies created to harm them or their business . . . and they will seek a pound of flesh as retaliation . . . and there are armies of attorneys willing to take their money to help them pursue relief in the form of a monitary judgement against the person/people involved. Creating a paper trail of comments that could be perceived to be libelous is just as imprudent as a paper trail suggesting actions to defraud an insurance company.
Gitfiddler Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 GuitArtMan: Conspiring to defraud an insurance company is a very serious crime. If you have that email, you should find it and hold on to it. It just might come in useful someday. Especially if your response to it was a legally and morally appropriate one. It's not unusual for a person of questionable character, whom ever they might be, to do something stupid like create a paper trail of suggestions to break the law for monitary gain. I think my original message might have somehow gotten lost here. I'm not defending or condoning this guy or his actions . . . or asking that they be excused. And I don't doubt that everything posted about him is accurate. But, this is exactly the kind of a person who will deny everything, then slap a law suit on people and try to capitalize on the exposure and outcome of it. Think Rod "Blago" Blagojevich. Sometimes, in a such a person's warped little mind, they will actually believe that such comments written about them are actually false . . . lies created to harm them or their business . . . and they will seek a pound of flesh as retaliation . . . and there are armies of attorneys willing to take their money to help them pursue relief in the form of a monitary judgement against the person/people involved. Creating a paper trail of comments that could be perceived to be libelous is just as imprudent as a paper trail suggesting actions to defraud an insurance company. All due respect to both of you guys, but this is really a dead issue. First of all, the likelihood of any follow up by law enforcement or regulatory agency (e.g. Dept. of Insurance) for conspiring to commit insurance fraud is nil. In my over 35 years of handling insurance cases (fraud is my specialty) I've never seen it done. It is hard enough to get them to prosecute real fraudsters and other white collar criminals these days...unless there are thousands or millions of dollars at stake. If there was an actual incident of fraud by Mr. Roman, AND it was proveable, then a report to the Nevada (Roman's business domicile) Atty. General would be the route to go. The other option would be the potential for conspiring to commit mail fraud, yet another crime that goes unpunished for the most part. I go agree with Patrick's comments about toning down the rhetoric about folks, especially on the net. Yes, the only defense to defamation is if the allegation is true. But at what cost to prove or defend same is the issue. If Roman got wind of a truly defamatory (i.e. lible or slander) accusation about him, and he elected to sue in civil court (defamation is not a criminal matter), then the issue would be fought out between your lawyers and his...at your expense since your homeowner's CPL insurance would not cover you for 'intentional acts'. Open up your bank account to pay for the defense of a suit brought by a lousy dirtbag?! Yes, you get to pay for that privilege! Ed Roman may well deserve all of the negative comments made about him and his unsavory business practices, but the best way to deal with him...is to simply not do business with him.
cod65 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I think Patrick is just giving some common sense advice. As for Roman , he seems to be following the credo 'any publicity is good publicity' in a PT Barnum fashion. I would think that he'd be the subject of several lawsuits himself. my opinion: some of those Roman headstocks are fugly!
GuitArtMan Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Guy's this isn't the first time Ed Roman has been bashed on the web and it won't be the last. You could probably do a search on "Ed Roman" on any of the more popular sites and turn up way more mud than has been slung here. The problem is bad publicity is better than no publicity at all and all we are doing is perpetuating the little weasels presence on the web. Best to just ignore him and hope he goes away. Now anybody ever bought from Vintique???
Spectrum13 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Our forum as a social web site could also face a cyber liability claim as we are in an era of Internet Liability/Cyber-coverage "evolution". Our host may need to monitor and review such activities and see they comply with a "Social Networking Policy". Insurance carriers are excluding internet liability along with advertising liability much as they did a decade ago with employment practice. It might be better to PM negative statements rather than post.
mark555 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Boil this down to the bottom line and you will find that all this is about is a group of enthusiasts for a particular product bought from retail, explaining to their friends and fellow on line community members who to avoid doing business with and what pitfalls would probably or possibly occur as a result. Turn the situation around and the same group of people enthusiastically recommending those retailers who have treated them well, at what ever level of dealing they have had with them. I doubt that the retailer in question ever reads these threads, as he would very more than likely consider himself to be far superior to we lesser mortals and probably, he only reads his own writing. Let those who wish to buy from him do so in blissful ignorance while we deal and buy from each other and educate our new forum brothers who are the people to really do business with.
Guest mgoetting Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I'll just mind my own business in the future. Let's see how long this lasts!
Patrick Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Let's see how long this lasts! If I may quote the Doc Hloiday character created by Val Kilmer in the movie Tombstone;; "Why Ike!!! What ever do you mean????"
jmc7581 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Ed Romans a funny strange little man. I love that he feels important enough to post the stuff he does. I love how people hate him and go out of there way to discredit him(its not hard, the guy is a self serving troll) and yet he still keeps popping up in threads on every guitar forum. By talking about the knob we all perpetuate his reason for being and to keep putting out the nonsense he does. Well done internet. Its not about guitars for him. Its about his own profile on the internet. This is very true. As somebody once said, the democratization of b.s. on the internet is making it harder and harder to get noticed. I think E.R. is up to the challenge, though.
CJTopes Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Check this out! Look at the 10th image on the Blues Deluxe page and you will see the Roman logo on the headstock (in the section that states the price): Blues Deluxe Now click on that image and it will open up to another page showing this guitar: WTF?!!!! I know a local dealer here gets Eastman guitars that are nothing but an unfinished body and neck. He then finishes them and installs the hardware. Maybe Ed gets them without the Eastman name on the head stock and puts his own on there. THe headstocks look identical. I've played the Eastmans and there nice guitars but I'll keep my Heritages
Guest HRB853370 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I was promised a six to eight week delivery by Ed Romans employees for my custom Heritage.It took 360 days. Oh, but thats not EDS fault. They just made promises to get my money and didn't hold up their end of the business deal. Fuck that guy. If I saw him on fire I'd throw gasoline on him. Maybe some of those who haven't had personal dealings with that fuckhole should look at some of the reviews on Harmony Central. Another thing... that fuck wouldn't even give me a receipt for the guitar, plus they shipped it to the wrong address (2300 miles away) AFTER I NOTIFIED THEM FOUR TIMES!!!! By all means... buy from Ed Roman. Oh, what did I start! Sparky, I love that attitude!!!
Guest HRB853370 Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I get it, he doesn't deserve to be on Angie's List!!!
GuitArtMan Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I get it, he doesn't deserve to be on Angie's List!!! More like Sophie's List.
Jazzpunk Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 I know a local dealer here gets Eastman guitars that are nothing but an unfinished body and neck. He then finishes them and installs the hardware. Maybe Ed gets them without the Eastman name on the head stock and puts his own on there. THe headstocks look identical. I've played the Eastmans and there nice guitars but I'll keep my Heritages Looks like he's doing the same: 'Roman' Blues Deluxe With Ed though you get a rambling back story on how he designed the Heritage Blues Deluxe which has nothing to do with these made in china guitars that he is now selling. There is also no mention that the bodies are made in China, only that they are 'built and assembled' in the U.S.A. Also, he makes sure to point out that the guitars do not use laminates like the 'corporate' builders. I guess that means Eastman is running a non-profit Chinese factory.
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