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Boutique Solid-State Amps

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Are tube amps really better than SS amps? I prefer tube amps, but constantly buying tubes can get expensive.


There are probably more, but one company I found is Pritchard Amps. They are all solid state, and like boutique amps, are very expensive.


So, has anyone used one of these, or a similar SS amp?


Pritchard Amps

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Are tube amps really better than SS amps? I prefer tube amps, but constantly buying tubes can get expensive.


There are probably more, but one company I found is Pritchard Amps. They are all solid state, and like boutique amps, are very expensive.


So, has anyone used one of these, or a similar SS amp?


Pritchard Amps


Most people, myself included believe that a good quality tube amp delivers the most classic and desirable guitar tone. However, there are plenty of pretty good SS amps out there also. Unless you're a real purist for tube tone, there are plenty of SS amps that you can effect up to deliver a near tube sound. Why are you constantly buying tubes? Unless you aren't using your standby switch when turning your amp on . . . or banging and shaking the hell out of it during transport, the tubes should last you pretty long.

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I've been pleased with some of the hybrid amps, but it becomes really important what tube(s) are being used in the preamp. I've had them go from buzzy and uninviting to warm and sweet by just changing one tube.


But like others here, I wonder why you're changing out tubes very often. With as many amps as you have, I'd think you'd very rarely need to change 'em.


I really like the Retro Wreck in that last demo....

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That seems really nice ... and only $975..


Great demo vid.

Yeah, Lance does great demos. This one does seem to be priced right, and frankly I think that's part of the problem with solid state amps. I think people have the perception that solid state amps should be less expensive, regardless of whether they sound as good as a tube amp or not. My guess (this is just a guess btw) is that the manufacturing cost of a solid state amp is less, but the R&D costs to get it to sound good are probably way more expensive than a tube amp. Unfortunately, most people only seem to factor in the manufacturing cost and so are willing so spend more for a tube amp than a solid state amp. It's also interesting to note that the manufacturing costs for a large tube amp (say 100 watts) is not that much greater than the manumitting costs for a small tube amp (say 20 watts) yet many are willing to spend way more money on a large tube amp than a small tube amp.


I remember when the original PRS amps (Prithcard designed) came out back in '92 I think it was. They sounded great, but were kinda funky looking and way overpriced imho. They didn't catch on. A few years later you could find them for pennies on the dollar as new old stock in whatever stores that had ordered them. I nearly bought one as I really did think they sounded good (one channel especially I thought was voiced great). I missed my opportunity and now they are more of a collectors item as so go for more money (at least the last time I payed any attention to them).

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played a Pritchard over here for about half an hour. didn't sound or feel as good (to me, of course) as any of my Heritage amps or Jukes. but did sound good. real expensive (new, about $2K?)


have been following the Retro Wreck threads on TGP for about a month now. that looks very promising...


all the times i've heard BB King live he was (probably) using a Lab 5, which is solid state, and he always sounds great.


i tend to favor new Tung-Sol 5881s and change maybe every couple years, $45/pair...

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As with all things musical, "tone" is all in the ears of the listener. Depending upon the mood, I have solid state, hybrid, and all-tube amps. As mentioned, one can find great examples of solid state being played, as with B.B. King's use of the Lab Series (Gibson) or the late Albert King's use of Acoustic amps, for the blues fan. If you want to have a solid state alternative at a decent price, you could check out the CarvinSX Series. Craig Anderton: " . . . it's almost like the SX produces an idealized tube sound!"

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OK, I probably shouldn't have said "constantly;" rather, "occasionally" would describe it better. Being that I own 5 tube amps, one day I'll have to shell out some $$ for some 12AX7s, as well as EL34s, KT66s, 6L6s, etc.


I just figured you wouldn't have that expense if one were to have strictly Solid State amps.


But then, I might miss the aura of the faint glow of tubes...just a thought.


Sophia_Glow.jpg VS 105listen.2.jpg

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If you want to have a solid state alternative at a decent price, you could check out the Carvin SX Series. Craig Anderton: " . . . it's almost like the SX produces an idealized tube sound!"

Been there, done that. I've had the SX-300 head, and still have the SX-300R rack preamp, I'll simply say, you get what you pay for. The head is long gone & the rack preamp is collecting dust. IMO no amp out there, tube or SS, compares with the Axe-Fx Ultra. I know a lot of folks gripe about the price tag, but believe me it's worth much much more then it's cost when you stop & consider what it does. It sounds fantastic and gives you more choices of amps & efx then you'll find in any music store. So why would you want to spend $2000 on an amp (tube or SS) that is a one trick pony when you could have over 70 of the best amps in the world for the same price. I can't remember a time when I've had so much fun with my guitars, and I'll never have to change another tube ever.

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But then, I might miss the aura of the faint glow of tubes...just a thought.

But then, I never see the glow of the tubes, since the amp is turned around, and I've got my eyes closed while my guitar starts vibrating sympathetically with the roar of the amp.....


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