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Ok, so here is the context: learning jazz, playing archtops, small room, solo, no plans to expand beyond, looking for the best tone/sound I can afford. There are currently three amps out there in different sites for sale that peak my interest: Victoria 5112, Heritage Lobo, Juke Vamp. All are priced within a few hundred bucks of each other with the Victoria the cheapest and the Juke the highest. I live in an area where there are no places one can go to hear or try out equipment, so I am in the same boat as when I started looking for guitars: reading reviews, asking for advice, but then ultimately jumping in and buying something to in order find out what I like and what works for me. This also means what I buy must hold it's value pretty well because I have to be able to resell the items which don't work out in order to try others.


So, any thoughts or advice? Other models to suggest? I am beginning my search with the premise that a low powered 6v6, Fender Tweed sounding amp is the best starting point.


In addition, and this may sound off the mark, but looks are also important to me. I live in a very small house and like to be surrounded by nice looking things. I really like the appearance of the Victoria 5112.


Thanks again for everyone's patience,


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tough call, three great amps. if the Lobo has a Heritage badge, it was prob'ly redesigned by Paul Cochrane. great builder.


me, i'd go for the Juke (is it 6v6 or el84?). great Ampeg-style reverb and Magnatone-Valco vibrato-tremolo, 5-18w depending on whether you run it triode or pentode & which tubes are in it.


the Victoria will be to-a-fault rendering of tweed Deluxe, IIRC.

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The Victoria doesn't have reverb. But I could add that with a pedal?

I am watching eBay and TGP for amps, any other sites I should be monitoring.?

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if the Juke is Noah Miller's (whom i know via another forum), he posted clean clips here using his archtop.


"sounds" to me, tho, like Daniel would be happy with the 5112 (a tweed Champ in a tweed Deluxe cab - i got it wrong on first go-round). so, it's like 5w, looks great, one knob - volume - but it goes to 12! right?

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if the Juke is Noah Miller's (whom i know via another forum), he posted clean clips here using his archtop.


"sounds" to me, tho, like Daniel would be happy with the 5112 (a tweed Champ in a tweed Deluxe cab - i got it wrong on first go-round). so, it's like 5w, looks great, one knob - volume - but it goes to 12! right?

A Tweed Champ circuit paired with a 12" speaker is a wonderful thing!


With a Tweed Champ... you can also swap out that 12ax7 for a 12au7 and get a really great smooth jazzy warm/clean tone (though overall volume level also takes a little hit)


Find a spring reverb unit to pair it with and I think you will be a very happy person!

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With a Tweed Champ... you can also swap out that 12ax7 for a 12au7 and get a really great smooth jazzy warm/clean tone (though overall volume level also takes a little hit)


Find a spring reverb unit to pair it with and I think you will be a very happy person!


Ha, this the sort of info I was hoping to get.


Any requiremendations for a primer so I could get an overview on how tube amps work?

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Thanks, it's on its way. Love Amazon Prime.



yeahman. Zimmerman really knows his stuff, MSEE, i think. have played a couple of his amps & they were great, too...(some pretty funny & entertaining bits in the book, too)

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A Tweed Champ circuit paired with a 12" speaker is a wonderful thing!


With a Tweed Champ... you can also swap out that 12ax7 for a 12au7 and get a really great smooth jazzy warm/clean tone (though overall volume level also takes a little hit)


Find a spring reverb unit to pair it with and I think you will be a very happy person!


You sound like a guy who can actually make all these devices yourself? :icon_thumright:

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