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Tweed Deluxe 150 Shoot out


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I will post a couple clips of my "creamsicle" Kirn Tele through the Tweed tomorrow.


Yum - tweedy goodnes. Think I like 'em in reverse order, 3/2/1, although they're all good, John. And of course I'm right there with ya on Jon's pus and the clarity on the 101s!


One thing to keep in mind is that I made no changes to the amp (no changes to the gain or tone) from guitar to guitar to try and demonstrate the difference in tone & output between the different models. This not ideal or practical in reality because no one just keeps all the knobs neutral all the time.








Great amp and beautiful tone! I love my ThroBaks as well, especially the DT-102's - But the P-90's...that's where it's at for me.


Wonderfully done, as always, John. I dug the P90s best, but, as stated, there isn't a stinker in the bunch! It really is amazing that the same "guitar," an H-150, can sound that different through the same amp on the same settings, just different pickups. Thanks for taking the time to make this post; I, too, am looking forward to the, ahem "creamsickle Kirn" post. I love that guitar, I don't care WHAT anyone says! Best feeling neck of any Tele I've ever felt.


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