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Heritage Owners Club

Pedal Purge


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Ernie Ball volume pedal-gone

Boss R C-3 looper- gone

EH Holy Stain-at auction now

Xotic BB Preamp-at auction now(cool pedal just too smooth)


and I finally got my Wilson Effects Lotus Drive, and I like everything about it except for the wierd size housing it's in, but really great sounding with my rig, cleans up nice with guitar volume and fills the spots I used the Direct Drive for so


Barber Direct Drive-at auction now (might regret that one though)


Also sold my ESP EC1000.


I have a new fuzz pedal ordered, and for now the Rat is back on the board in place of the Holy Stains fuzz, and the cheap little Guyatone trem is back in place of the Holy Stains trem.


There were some really cool sounds in the Holy Stain but it was hard to use live.


I know I'll never stop trying new stuff, but it's funny how newer isn't always better. :icon_scratch: (expensive too)

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I have two different pedals I've picked up in the past month and neither are doing it for me...

I'm back down to a Tube Screamer, a Noise Suppressor and a tuner..

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Axe-FX= end of story for pedals (and amps), at least for me...

So............how do you get away with such an outrageous suggestion?


Every time I type the words Axe-Fx it's like I just crapped in somebodies cornflakes! :icon_salut:

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Well since you asked..."the truth is the truth"...Axe-Fx ends the story for pedals and a need for GAS related to amps...all my GAS attention is limited to GUITARS!

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