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These will come fast and furious tonight so check back often. I've enclosed a pic of the amp set up to record, and here's the gear chain


Mic: Audio Technica 2020 Large Diaphragm Condenser Mic

Preamp: Presonus Firestudio Mobile Xmax pre amp

Software: Presonus Studio One v2


First Clip: Clean


Volume: 9 o'clock

Bass: 10:30

Tone(treble): 11:50ish

Master: 11:30


Guitar: H157 Dimarzio 36th Anniversary Pickups, Bridge Pickup

Stentorian - Clean 1.mp3


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Same Settings on bass and treble. Volume up to almost half way. master is still the same.

Second time through the lick I change nothing except pick attack

Stentorian - Mid-Dirt 1.mp3

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3/4 dirt.

Volume up to 3/4 of the way. Master down just slightly so as to not slam my mic. Bass and treble stay the same

Lick as well as previous picked part.

Stentorian - 3_4 dirt plus lick.mp3

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with a backing track. Had to post a link due to file size. Mixed so the git is WAY in front of the track in order to hear it.

Yep, that's my sloppy half ass- only been playing guitar for two or three years - playing...enjoy




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The last clip was 5 minutes, but only 2 minutes of sound...


All very, very cool. Have you used the neck pickup yet?


Yeah, bum editing on my part....belly still full from dinner lol

I've used the neck pup a lot but haven't recorded it yet. I will soon though. I'm playing my strat through it right now, and it sounds amazing! Playing it wilst listening to the proguitarshop.com video on the 65 amps little Elvis. I can say, judging from the settings I saw in the video, that I have a lot more clean headroom than the Elvis...hehe....sucka...

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Very nice looking strat. Warmoth makes some high quality stuff!


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That is really cool!


Thanks dude! The amp gets nice and clean when ya need it to. BTW, that was a Hardwire RV-7 reverb pedal in the clip...on a plate setting.

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I listened while in the other room warming the Mrs.'s cider. That's some fine guitar playing going on there Knopfler74. The amp has the goods, you can hear it. It will please you for many days to come; Happy NADs!

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I listened while in the other room warming the Mrs.'s cider. That's some fine guitar playing going on there Knopfler74. The amp has the goods, you can hear it. It will please you for many days to come; Happy NADs!


I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me...without being a little mellow dramatic...so sorry, but...

I haven't been playing much electric lately because work is kicking my !@!#. I'm a high school teacher, and this semester I have a bunch of 10 graders who can barely read. In fact, none of them read on grade level, and they've made HUGE progress thus far. I think they're actually going to be able to write a paper comparing the Roman empire to the percieved modern American Empire. They actually did research with real academic articles today, and most of them understood the basic, and I mean VERY BASIC, process.


It means a lot that you took the time to say something nice about my playing because for 16 years I was a professional trumpeter. I even achieved national success with it, but a few years back I realized that I just didn't love trumpet...or jazz for that matter, so I quit. I picked up guitar for fun, got a teaching degree in history and prepared myself to leave music as a profession behind. It hurts like hell every day, and I say that full well knowing in my heart that I love teaching.

Starting over again on a new instrument has been awesome, a lot of fun, but ultimately, incredibly humbling. I used to play Giant Steps changes at a gazillion miles an hour on my trumpet in all 12 keys. Two weeks ago, I was happy I could play the intro to Alive by Pearl Jam.

So to have someone, ANYONE, think I can do even the slightest thing on guitar that sounds nice...well, that just makes it all a little easier, so thanks. Sincerely.


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Sounding good! :icon_thumleft:


This thread may have set an HOC record for most sound clips posted on an NAD! (which in my book is a very good thing!)


Amp ninja. That's what I'm calling you from now on.

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Great playing! It is encouraging to hear someone play that well after only taking it up a couple of years ago. I have just decided to try and learn how to play at the young age of 58 and it is difficult to make myself focus on taking the time and putting in the hours of practice to lean the basics and establish a solid foundation. My focus drifts to songs I want to learn and I end up starting from the beginning again and again. I have made a promise to myself to channel my focus and the songs will come along in time.

Any tips for a beginner?

By the way, nice build omn your strat. I also like your H-157. She's a beauty. I have 2 Heritage instruments. 2010 H-150 (#17 of 25) in OSB and a the H-157 the Skydog previously owned. Can't wait 'till I can actually play them the way they should be played :)

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I wanted to ask how you were so good, so soon after picking up a guitar. It sounded pompous so I dropped it. Now I understand it, in theory, but am amazed you applied your background so efficiently. Nice work!

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Great playing! It is encouraging to hear someone play that well after only taking it up a couple of years ago. I have just decided to try and learn how to play at the young age of 58 and it is difficult to make myself focus on taking the time and putting in the hours of practice to lean the basics and establish a solid foundation. My focus drifts to songs I want to learn and I end up starting from the beginning again and again. I have made a promise to myself to channel my focus and the songs will come along in time.

Any tips for a beginner?

By the way, nice build omn your strat. I also like your H-157. She's a beauty. I have 2 Heritage instruments. 2010 H-150 (#17 of 25) in OSB and a the H-157 the Skydog previously owned. Can't wait 'till I can actually play them the way they should be played :)


I SOOO hear what you're saying with regard to picking an instrument up a little later in life. That's something I hadn't fully contemplated when I picked up the guitar. There are a few things sort of "built into" childhood, or maybe better stated "built into being under the age of 18". These things REALLY help a person progress on a musical instrument, and they're not always readily available to full grown, or in my case, 'just starting the gray a little' adults.


The most important, I think, is what I call the 'ability to suck without judgement.'

When you're a kid, in a school band let's say, so one really cares that you sound pretty crappy. People just think you look cute because you're playing in the school band and what not. This gives the learner a super level of freedom to explore the instrument judgment free. This usually pushes people to try things, that as adults, we might shy away from lest we experience an "epic fail."


The other thing youngish people have is the whole ensemble experience at school. As adults, it's harder to find some people to jam out with on a regular basis. How many times do you see kids jamming in a band and playing a simple chord progression like a gazillion times in a row? A lot, that's how many times! Sometimes it's because it's all they know, and guess what, that's AWESOME for practicing. Their hands are getting stronger each session by the sheer value of doing something over and over and over and over. They're also likely to get bored of the one "thing" they're jamming and thus branch out into other sounds. It's kind of an "all in one" practice solution for them.


As adults on the verge of grey, we often (I guess by we, I mean ME) make the mistake of playing those couple of things we kind of sound decent on. It gives us the false impression that we're really getting somewhere, AND it also keeps prying ears from figuring out that yes, we're fully grown, and we have NO IDEA WHAT WE'RE DOING! LOL. The adult world places a premium on competency, unless of course you're a politician (hehe). Adults are almost conditioned to want to never admit that we don't really know what the heck we're doing, thus we shy away from situations that expose our lack of competence.


Anyway, that's my 2, I mean more like 50 cents on it all. Nice post, and keep it up, you'll be wailing before you know it. As a teacher, I can tell you that most teaching theory or pedegogy says that it's WAY harder to learn something when you're over the age of twenty five or so. People like you, and I suspect many on this forum, have a hard job if we really want to play well. The good news is, it's a hell of a lot of fun, and it could be worse...we could be sick, dead, homeless, or in jail. Instead, we're just learning to play the guitar...not bad, when you think about it!


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I wanted to ask how you were so good, so soon after picking up a guitar. It sounded pompous so I dropped it. Now I understand it, in theory, but am amazed you applied your background so efficiently. Nice work!


Not pompus at all, steiner! Learning how to practice took me like ten years on the trumpet. It's cut the learning curve on guitar WAY down. I have graduate level courses in music theory, arranging, and composition, so guitar is more about figuring out what the heck to make my fingers do (man, there are days when I let fly a myriad of curse words at my digits!).

Thanks though, man! It's always nice to hear other people engaged in the same fun/frustration tell you that you're getting somewhere!

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