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POD HD400 will arrive today!

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Ordered a Line 6 POD HD400 multi-effects unit, and it should arrive today. I'm pretty stoked about it, and once it's here I'm sure I'll spend most of the day figuring out all the features and testing it out. I took the time, thankfully, to download the manual a few days ago. I've been reading it and I think that I have a fairly good grasp of everything, but we'll see, once it gets here. More to come....

And if anyone else uses one of these things, please feel free to chime in and offer tips and advice.

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Congratulations! I have the HD500, which has the same amp models as the 300 and 400. GREAT amp models, in my opinion, I can definitely tell a difference between these and the ones on my Line 6 POD XT Live. Bonefish recently posted some tips and tricks on how he has used his HD500. There are a lot of wierd presets that I would never use, like on any Multi-effects unit, but everything I would need is available, too. I hope you enjoy it.

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Yeah, I saw his post, and I'm hoping ot be able to lean on him a little if I run into any tweaking issues. I'm really interested in how it sounds with my amp as well. I read a post online that you can't use only FX with no amp models in patch mode, but found that it wasn't true. Apparently, the amp models still show up in the display, but when in FX only mode the amps are disabled...they just still show up visually.

I'm really looking forward to getting started with it!

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Robert Renman on Dolphinstreet uses his HD constantly. I think every lesson he does now is through his... He has both the HD500 and M9. I must say it sounds great. I think Line 6 (as I've said many times over by now) has the best sounding emulated tones.

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Robert Renman on Dolphinstreet uses his HD constantly. I think every lesson he does now is through his... He has both the HD500 and M9. I must say it sounds great. I think Line 6 (as I've said many times over by now) has the best sounding emulated tones.

I've seen his stuff, and I must say, he's really a great player and oh so helpful with demos and whatnot....nice.

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Can't wait to hear your thoughts and learn from your experiences. Are you going the 4cm or single cable route? I've tried all and have used solely as pedal board and also used with amp modeling. Good news is that I liked tones from all of them.

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so far, so good! Been working with it for an hour or so and the effects are easily as good as many of the expensive stomps I've had. Plays VERY nicely with my new KBP amp as well, both with and without the amp models on. The editting software is much more fun for me than dialing through the knobs and whatnot on the board itself.

The overdrives sounds REALLY nice! I mean REAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY nice. I wasn't expecting that, to tell you the truth. This thing is seeming to be a godsend right now. WAY cheaper than 8 hihg end pedals and I only have to step on one button to change the whole sound! Me likey, so far. Maybe I'll get some clips up tonight, but right now I'm having too much fun goofing off with it.


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Guest HRB853370

Robert Renman on Dolphinstreet uses his HD constantly. I think every lesson he does now is through his... He has both the HD500 and M9. I must say it sounds great. I think Line 6 (as I've said many times over by now) has the best sounding emulated tones.


But why emulate tones when you can create your own?

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But why emulate tones when you can create your own?


I managed to make one hell of a lead patch tonight! I'm pretty darn impressed with how nicely the POD HD400 plays with my real amp. The amp models don't even sound dumb with it...of that, I'm truly shocked!!!!

I'll try to post some clips tomorrow.

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Forget the melody, post the patch!


Yeah, I guess I can do that on the Line 6 site right? I'll tweak it a little and maybe send you a clip of it in case you want it.

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What's that?

Not to thread hijack, but it's an App on the iPhone that lets you play a Scrabble-like game with others. I'm friends with Robert on Facebook, his name popped up randomly, and we play WWF, sometimes going a few days between moves, but it's a fun App, and you can have multiple games going all the time.

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But why emulate tones when you can create your own?

Couldn't the same argument be made for someone buying any amp model at all? Say I get a Les Paul and a Marshall because some hero of mine has it.... clearly I am trying to imitate on some level. Now... what comes out of it maybe wildly different but the start was intent on some level of imitation. Same applies with modelers. Sure.. the intent of them is to model this, that or the other amplifier... but what comes out of them can be wildly different from player to player.


Off that subject, I am happy to hear that Line6 has really come up in their direct modeling. I probably won't be getting a Line6 product as how they tend to voice their stuff... I am just not happy with. With the Roland Cube 80x, for me, the tone is unbeatable when I am playing alone but I really don't care for how it sits in the mix playing with bands with a rock lean.


The Jet City is an INCREDIBLE amp for what it does (the one thing it does) and, in rock settings, it really sits in the mix well. ... but not only is it a one trick pony... but that trick can only be done by that pony under certain conditions. Meaning... you gotta be playing loud for this thing to amaze.


That being said, the perfect me amp still eludes me. The Roland doesn't sit in the band well. The Jet City just has one trick.


Next, I think I am gonna try the Tech 21 Trademark 60 with a Power Engine 60. I have been a fan of their bass stuff and Sansamp stuff for a long time and the reviews of their amps are all stellar. So... yeah. Here goes another grand sometime. haha.

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It is impossible to copy/model/emulate others (especially iconic Guitarists tones)!!!!! I will always sound like me, for good or for bad, no matter what I played through. So Larry Carlton/Robben Ford's dumbles, Keef's tweeds, Mike Campbell/Peter Buck's Voxes, Sean Costello's Blackface Deluxes, Jimmy Page's Marshalls, and Warren Haynes Soldanos ........... would in my possess only sound like different versions of ME!!!!


And the same is true of ALL of you, thank goodness. Why would we want to just copy someone else????


These guitarists have different hands and different technique and different phrasing that make them who they are. They may have found "their own unmistakable tone & voice", but no one is going to say I sound "exactly like Joe Walsh" when I launch iinto the HOC's 20min version of Rocky Mountain Way. You might recognize the song, but the tone, for better or worse, will still be all mine.

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Yet again, a cool thread is made cooler by expansion of a discussion to include broader ideas generally related to the topic. I love it!

One interesting thing to note, when talking about famous guitar tones of yesterday and today, is that these sounds get the snot compressed out of them, along with MAJOR EQing during the mixing and mastering phase. The so called "Loudness Wars" of the 1990's through today have had a MAJOR impact, at least in my mind, on the final product with regards to guitar tone on records.

I love trying to get a tone similar to something I've heard on record. It gives me a starting point, and a major education in gear usage. I do; however, suspect that even when I get something that's almost dead balls on, the reality of what that tone was really like in the studio would probably scare the crap out of me.

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:wewantclipszm2: :wewantclipszm2:


LMAO - Patience, dude. I'm on vacation. It's hard to move from the indent I've created on the couch! ;)

I'm thinking of putting forth the effort to make a sandwich later.....maybe not, though.

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:wewantclipszm2: :wewantclipszm2:


Ok, here's a clip. An ambient backing track in A minor. The tone you're hearing is the Stentorian amp, set clean or JUST on the edge of break up. The OD is the POD's version of a RAT pedal. I also added JUST a hair of chorus to liven it up and a bit, and also the PODS emulation of a Deluxe Memory Man pedal. The backing track had a crap load of reverb already on it, so I added some to the lead track in Studio One in order to attempt to make it all gel a little. I spent a grand total of like ten mintutes on this, inlcuding the recording, so it's not toally perfect in terms of mixing the lead sound into the track.

It'll give y'all and idea though.


Here's the link - becasue the file's too big to post




Hope you guys dig it.


BTW: It's my 157 on the bridge pup you're hearing.


Oh, and NO AMP emulation here. Just using the POD as an effects board...

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Forget the melody, post the patch!

Posted a clip. If you like the patch, I can email it to you or post it or what not.

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