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More proof that the times are changing!


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Q1: What is the current amp that Johnny A uses to record and play live with???


A1: NONE, he goes straight in to the mixer.




Q2: What is the current speaker cabs/speakers that Rush is using on tour???


A2: NONE, they are using speaker simulators that go straight in to the PA & monitors.




Times are changing, don't fight it...... because soon it will be the norm.

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And I freaked out when the Doobie Bros. started using a Variax instead of a 'real' acoustic guitar n banjo for their live performances!


Yes, times are changing...as is technology and everything else for that matter.

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Guest HRB853370

Q1: What is the current amp that Johnny A uses to record and play live with???


A1: NONE, he goes straight in to the mixer.




Q2: What is the current speaker cabs/speakers that Rush is using on tour???


A2: NONE, they are using speaker simulators that go straight in to the PA & monitors.




Times are changing, don't fight it...... because soon it will be the norm.


But why compromise? I agree things change, but you know the saying, the more things change the more they stay the same.


They are probably the minority still. I saw Alice in Chains last year. Not once single cab or amp on the stage. Totally clean. Their cabs were under the stage pointed down. Their amps were under also. They talk about it on their website-no stage volume issues to worry about.


I don't think amp companies are in danger of going under.

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Q2: What is the current speaker cabs/speakers that Rush is using on tour???


A2: NONE, they are using speaker simulators that go straight in to the PA & monitors.


Yeah, Geddy Lee has used amps, sansamps, and various direct-in boxes for years.. That was the origin of the washers, driers and snack machines for his "backline". It does seem to change every couple of years, though.



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But why compromise? I agree things change, but you know the saying, the more things change the more they stay the same.


They are probably the minority still. I saw Alice in Chains last year. Not once single cab or amp on the stage. Totally clean. Their cabs were under the stage pointed down. Their amps were under also. They talk about it on their website-no stage volume issues to worry about.


I don't think amp companies are in danger of going under.


Still might be the minority, but the majority is diminishing quickly!!!


By what cost??? None, if you can't tell the difference!!!


If you don't think Line 6, Fractile Audio, Kempler, and Vox modelers haven't severely hurt amp sales, you are fooling yourself.

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Guest HRB853370


Still might be the minority, but the majority is diminishing quickly!!!


By what cost??? None, if you can't tell the difference!!!


If you don't think Line 6, Fractile Audio, Kempler, and Vox modelers haven't severely hurt amp sales, you are fooling yourself.


Doesn't matter. There will always be people who don't give a hoot about modeling, me included. Those people will keep the traditional amp companies in business. New gadgetry always hurts the tried and trued at first. But just because its new doesn't meet it is going to stick around for the long haul. Why do you think there has been a resurgence in vinyl records and turntables? Certainly NOT because CD's or digital media is getting too expensive.


And...people can tell the difference!

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My biggest problem with most (all?) the digital stuff is the interface. They just aren't as easy to use as a normal amps/effects. I've been goofing around with the Axe-FX Ultra for the past couple of months. While I think it has some killer tones and would be a HUGE asset for home recording, the interface still sucks imho. I spend more time fiddling with the Axe-FX than I do playing. Somebody needs to build a digital processor that's as easy to use as a normal guitar amp. When they do that, the world will be their oyster.

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I think part of the appeal of having equipment on stage is to add extra detail to the experience, something more to examine in dissected detail and take into consideration. Some people are into minimalist art, but it is rare that you will find a musician or performer whose technique and output is so fulfilling that you come away knowing you've seen something other than a shell of a performance, what it could have been. The extra detail gives a clue to the inside story, another level of attraction. I can see disjoined people going along their own individual paths walking down the street anytime. They can provide more interest than an empty stage because they are part of the scenery in which they exist. What ifs.

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My biggest problem with most (all?) the digital stuff is the interface. They just aren't as easy to use as a normal amps/effects. I've been goofing around with the Axe-FX Ultra for the past couple of months. While I think it has some killer tones and would be a HUGE asset for home recording, the interface still sucks imho. I spend more time fiddling with the Axe-FX than I do playing. Somebody needs to build a digital processor that's as easy to use as a normal guitar amp. When they do that, the world will be their oyster.


Have you connect your Ultra to your laptop and used the free Axe-edit software??? If you do, everything you have asked for is there. All the amp knobs, pedal knobs, ect..... all on one screen to quickly tweak like in real life.

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The " future" of guitar playing is always just around the corner. At the moment it's Axe FX, three years ago it was something different, and three years before that it was something else. Case in point, the Fender Cyber Twin, in it's day it was heralded as the next big thing, now where is it ? Bought that t shirt so to speak, not sure I could give away the Cyber Twin now !


And every few years Roland bring out their latest attempt at cutting edge tecnology for guitar, been there bought that t shirt too with the GK-2A pickup etc.


Godin are another company who introduce technology and innovation in their instruments with synth access etc. and for the best part they are completely overlooked by guitar players who only really want a strat / tele / les paul.

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Doesn't matter. There will always be people who don't give a hoot about modeling, me included. Those people will keep the traditional amp companies in business. New gadgetry always hurts the tried and trued at first. But just because its new doesn't meet it is going to stick around for the long haul. Why do you think there has been a resurgence in vinyl records and turntables? Certainly NOT because CD's or digital media is getting too expensive.


And...people can tell the difference!


Will, I am not change your mind, just to clue people in.


I highly doubt you could tell the difference from a digital modeller recorded CD and a mic'd amp.


Have you EVER played through some of the better modeller equipment or just closed your mind to it completely.


There are a lot of innovations that 20yrs later made the "tried & true" obsolete.


I'll call you on your rotary phone and we can talk about it!!!! Ha, ha, just kidding. Heck even Rob has a cell phone now.


Like it not, the times are a changing......

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Just read where Lenny Kravitz has no pedals or amps on stage.


All his pedals and patches are switched by the sound guys.


Laptops have been around for a decade to monitor sound, switch effects, and mix the tone.


Don't shoot the messenger, I just wanted people to open their minds and see what is happening with many headlining acts!!!

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Guest HRB853370

Just read where Lenny Kravitz has no pedals or amps on stage.


All his pedals and patches are switched by the sound guys.


Laptops have been around for a decade to monitor sound, switch effects, and mix the tone.


Don't shoot the messenger, I just wanted people to open their minds and see what is happening with many headlining acts!!!


Understood. Thanks for your POV!! :icon_sunny:

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...one day tube amps will be no more and we will all live off of soylent green!


This is cool stuff, it's come a long ways and will just keep getting better I'm sure; I think I'll be one of those stubborn ones that tries to hang out in the past as long as they possibly can :icon_geek:

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Guest HRB853370


Will, I am not change your mind, just to clue people in.


I highly doubt you could tell the difference from a digital modeller recorded CD and a mic'd amp.


Have you EVER played through some of the better modeller equipment or just closed your mind to it completely.


There are a lot of innovations that 20yrs later made the "tried & true" obsolete.


I'll call you on your rotary phone and we can talk about it!!!! Ha, ha, just kidding. Heck even Rob has a cell phone now.


Like it not, the times are a changing......


Rotary phone? You think I am that advanced? I am mailing you the soup can and yarn tomorrow!

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Fractal Audio- (Axe Fx) check out the list of the artist's using this wonderful tool- does my heart good! Less amps, means more GAS for Guitars!

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Got to agree with Kuz on this one. I have been using the Pod HD (desktop unit), traded in my old POD 2.0 . It is freakin amazing.


I still have my Fender Cyber Deluxe (used to use two in stereo). I am enjoying Brian's Reverb Deluxe, but this stuff is coming a long way. I also have a Fender Mustang III which I like a lot (it has a very similar interface to the Cyber Deluxe so the learning curve was minimal).


I got this link where Jim Soloway (a very fine luthier and guitarist) is demonstrating the POD HD unit with a powered speaker. These 3 particular amp sim settings are geared towards a jazz type sound, but all of them sound 'tube like' clean.






I like the POD HD series and the Fender Mustang III because they are relatively inexpensive new ($300 and $250 respectively) and both have pretty great software suites included. It is pretty fun to dial in your favorite tube amp, and side by side, try to emulate it with one of these modelers. That is how they should really demo these things.

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My next project is to build a small wattage modeling amp.... No wait... I'm building a TUBE AMP.... yea baby... will it be as cutting edge as an amp fx...NO.. will it sound great anyway... yes... and if I do it right the only amp it will sound like is it.. then some day in the future you guys can model it... Ha...

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How easy/cheap is it just to carry around one 19' rack unit thing and run a couple of lines out to footswitch, desk etc.

You always have your sound where ever you play, with in reason.

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I just got a Vox AC4TV, that thing sounds great


I couldn't care less about modeling technology, not interested. I like real amplifiers. they're more fun


it's like dropping gardening because you can get screensavers & an instant variety of flowers on your computer...but it's not the same

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...one day tube amps will be no more and we will all live off of soylent green!


This is cool stuff, it's come a long ways and will just keep getting better I'm sure; I think I'll be one of those stubborn ones that tries to hang out in the past as long as they possibly can :icon_geek:


Again, I think people are missing the point. I have 6 expensive tube amps that I adore!!!! I also have an Axe-Fx standard that is an incredible incredible tool as well.


Read my posts, I never claimed one is superior to the other.


What did do is report that many acts are changing on their own to modeling or simulators because they are getting that good.


I am reporting what others are doing, I am not voicing an opinion ( quite frankly I do not know where I would go if I was a large touring act), but simply report exact what some others are doing. And it is more than a trend or a fad.

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Again, I think people are missing the point. I have 6 expensive tube amps that I adore!!!! I also have an Axe-Fx standard that is an incredible incredible tool as well.


Read my posts, I never claimed one is superior to the other.


What did do is report that many acts are changing on their own to modeling or simulators because they are getting that good.


I am reporting what others are doing, I am not voicing an opinion ( quite frankly I do not know where I would go if I was a large touring act), but simply report exact what some others are doing. And it is more than a trend or a fad.

It would seem as though you are boosting for the modeling camp.

That said, just because a musician or band sports a particular rig while on stage does not make it the shape of things to come. As we know some of them have very lucrative deals with corporations to do so. Johnny A is a good case in point, I wond what he players at home? I doubt he sports gibbons for free!


If what a band uses on stage is indicative of where music is gravitating to then I will use Wilco as an example to proporte that equipment is moving backwards. Niles Cline uses more antique amps and boxes than most guitar centers carry in stock, and let's not get started on Jeff Tweetys rig.


Riddle me this, when we fast forward down the modeling road, if modeling becomes the shape of the future, then what will they model the same old stuff? They have no sound of their own, just a copy of something else. So what happens when there is nothing new to copy/model?


Just busting your chops Kuz..



Just as many musicians are using Gibbons when onstage, they must be better right?

Just because Johnny A uses a product while onstage does not make it the shape of things to come.


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