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Fun little practice amps can be had for cheap!

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I was able to get my Blues Jr. to play at reasonable levels when I wound the master volume way down. I can do that with the KBP RD using the attenuator I bought from Barry, and the Guytron amazes me that it can pump out 200w dirty or 100 watts clean, and still play great tones at house hold levels by adjusting gain and the two power sections. But for a practice amp while the family's asleep nothing quite beats sweet tube tone of the Little Lanilei. I've seen some of the 1/4 watt versions sell on ebay for less than $200.

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How are the Vibro Champs? Little tube amp by Fender with bells and whistles, just saw this one



I like my little Blues Jr as a practice amp, sounds good at low volume for late night / family asleep upstairs playing. Also can crank it up a notch or two.


Man, I JUST don't see how you can go wrong at $100 (maybe less?!) I have it's big brother, the Super Champ, and I have a buddy who has gigged with his Super Champ. Now, don't get me wrong; I LOVE my bigger amps, and just cranked up the Tweed Deluxe for a bit this afternoon. BUT, I have the basement windows open, as it's beautiful outside, and I knew it was too loud to be considerate to the neighbors. I turned it off, snapped on the Peavey Vyper, and, at conversation volume, dialed up a ROARING, delay dripping, tone. I'm not suggesting ditching real power for when we NEED real power, but for THIS basement rock legend(haha), these things definitely have their place. Plus, now that school is back in session, I need to keep the volume down after 9:00 PM. If I want it to sound loud, these all have a headphone out (not the Super Champ or Vibro Champ, but you can get good tones at quiet volumes.)


Edit to add, my GC has a GDec 30 for $99, as they are being discontinued. If you are looking for a practice amp ONLY, this might even be the better buy. None of these are indestructible, and, when something major goes wrong, they will probably be thrown away. But, at these used prices, WHO CARES?!

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At night, I've been content with the iPad and iRig Stomp


Another greaet choice. The nice thing about these amps, OR, a cheap used multi-effects pedal, from a Digitech RP series, Boss GT series, or Line 6 POD/POD XTLive series, is that they can ALL be had for under $200, many under $100, and give you nearly ANY tone you could want, and with the Multieffects pedals, all you need is a set of headphones/earbuds.

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Guest HRB853370

Thanks, Katy, but I think Will's just razzing me. It's funny though, I was fine either way with/without the PG, but once I put it on, there were some VERY strong opinions against it. They needn't worry about it, though, as I won't be parting with my 137 ANYTIME soon! It never fails to put a smile on my face.


Of course I was razzing you. It's just that that PG looks like a boomerang to me! The 137 just looks great in all its natural beauty. Think of it as less is more.


He jealous that he's not man enough to put one on his. ;)


You know dem's fightin words DB.......


:mad_mini: :mad_mini:

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