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Fender Mustang series. . . anyone?

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Search "Fender Mustang Series" in the forum search, I had a thread on this earlier this year. I still want a III, had a IV (TOO big!) and I have been playing my little Mustang I probably more than anything lately, as it gets plenty loud for my basement practice, and gets really good tone very easily. I bought it used for $50 at GC. Definitely worth a look. Good luck!!


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I played several a few years back but ultimately settled on a Roland Cube 80XL. A little more money but I thought it (the Roland) was a better amp.
I absolutely agree, the Roland Cube 80XL is head and shoulders above and beyond the Mustang III, not only in tone/sound but also in build quality. Having had both neither comes up to my expectations or requirements but if I had to choose between the two the Roland Cube 80XL is a clear winner.
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I'm a mustang III fanboy. Used the Line 6 HD stuff, have great tube amps. THe III is the one to get. 100 watts, great sounds live. Lots of programability with the software. You can adjust the tube bias (okay there is no real tube bias, but tonally, allows you to dial in the presets with various guitars). When GC has a sale, you can get these for $250 with a 5 year warranty. light weight...

I don't think you could go wrong.

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