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Just ordered a new od


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Should have it in 10 days which generaly means it wont be here in 21 days and I will be over it before I get it and wont want to use it because of the bad feelings attached to it. (breath now).

But Im an optimist so Im expecting it in 7 days and feel like we are going to be new best friends.

Well that's been and gone. So Im 100% sure it will arrive tomorrow being that that will be the 10 day mark. Confident and still optimistic. Though the optimism has a component of self mocking attached to it and an expectation that I will indeed end up waiting past the 14 day mark.

I am still upbeat about its imminent arrival. But I dont expect it to be soon. But Im optimistic it might be. But I know it wont.

In the mean time Ive pretty much dialed in my sound with my existing gear and am experiencing 535/335 gas.

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It will show up tomorrow, I'm sure. It always does, no matter what you're looking to arrive. Just like you always find whatever in the last place you look. Or, no matter where you go, there you are! That's the beauty of Engfish, there's that component of upbeat plurality in meaning that one can hold on to.

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The thing is, there's always a pedal to buy that you haven't had yet. Though I am guilty of buying a pedal, selling because I don't like it, then buying the same one again a couple of years later to try it again, only to sell it again because now I remember why I didn't like it the first time.

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The thing is, there's always a pedal to buy that you haven't had yet. Though I am guilty of buying a pedal, selling because I don't like it, then buying the same one again a couple of years later to try it again, only to sell it again because now I remember why I didn't like it the first time.

Theres a weird part of me that wants to get another DS-1. I think Im basing it off a sound that seemed awesome at the time but in no way could be at anytime.

Seem to remember the most amazing sounds coming out of a Crate 40w SS 112 amp with a DS-1 in front of it. Pretty certain that it would and did sound terrible but it was at the very start of my journey into gain and I remember thinking I had nailed that massive 80's metal sound. Pretty sure I hadnt. But you know, excitable young man and all that.

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Have now run it through my own amps and cabs. This is a good stomp for me.

The higher gain side isnt quite as high gain as I would like but it is voiced just as I wanted. Very much my interpretation of a cranked Marshall sound. I will live with it and learn to use less gain. It sounds great.

With the lower gain Helium side switched on as well it takes it to more gain than I would use and the sound remains mostly intact and not too much compression at sensible settings.

The lower gain side is a good sound and useful by it self. But, it isnt quite the sound I wanted. It doesnt sit right with my clean amps sound. The bass and gain dont quite sit in the amps sound the way I like. But It is a great boost for the other side of the pedal and it works with my low gain stomp.







Goodbye BBpre and goodbye Tubezone.


Dont ask me how the Danelectro has remained while handmade pedals costing 5-7 times more keep getting moved on. Im worried it will break down and stop working and I wont be able to replace it. In fact, Im sure it will break down eventually.


Also tried the Jetter Gold shift and Jetter Red (something) All good sounding stomps.


Gig tomorrow night so I guess I will find out how I really feel about the Jetter during the 1st bracket. But Im pretty confident it will be alright.

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You should write a book about your gain experiments.


I'm glad you like this one, one of the ones that I really liked was the BB, but it landed somwhere in between the OCD and Direct drive, I wish now I had kept it and put it on a smaller board.

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Just a quick follow up after having used it at a couple of gigs for anyone interested.

It works. It works really well. I did have the gain pretty much max'd and it wasnt quite enough or as much as I am used to but the sound is very good.

I used it in the shift mode and I really enjoyed hearing my sound. I wasnt constantly tweaking and fighting the eq, I just put it where it sounded good and left it all night. It really nails some good old cranked Marshall sounds.

I feel really good about this one. It does exactly what Brad at Jetter says it does, nothing less and nothing more. It also doesnt carry a weight of hype with it like so many of the other stomps Ive tried.

The Dumble switch(red) is a nice sound and I could find use for it.

The Helium side is my solo boost and I gotta say, when I stomped on it along with the shift side I got the yehaa's and I played outside myself a few times. The right sound and feel is a magic ingredient.

So yeah, I just hyped it. Sorry. :)


Oh yeah, Brad returns emails really promptly. I like that :)

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It works. It works really well.


That's awesome. Glad it's working out.


It really nails some good old cranked Marshall sounds.

The Dumble switch(red) is a nice sound and I could find use for it.


what is your gigging amp these days, Jeff?


I got the yehaa's and I played outside myself a few times. The right sound and feel is a magic ingredient.


that's an awesome result! well worth the price of a pedal. Cool! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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...I gotta say, when I stomped on it along with the shift side I got the yehaa's and I played outside myself a few times. The right sound and feel is a magic ingredient.



Ah crap... now I want one.


Nice review, Jeff.

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It's good to know that you finally found one you like :) That was a long search, wasn't it?


How long before you chuck it in the back of the drawer? ;)

Oh ye of little faith.

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what is your gigging amp these days, Jeff?

Im back to using my 112 (81) Fender Concert. Ive used it as a head for a while but recently returned it to the 112 combo cab.

I hook it up to a Framus 212 cab with v30's. The 112 combo gets pointed at the drummers left ear and I use the 212 as my reference.



that's an awesome result! well worth the price of a pedal. Cool! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yes me thinks so as well. I like it when I really like something.


Ah crap... now I want one.


Nice review, Jeff.

Ive always had either a lead sound I like or a rhythm sound I like. Ive never really had both except when I played in a rocking type blues band. It was easy for me to find the sounds and balance I liked in that band.

But Ive struggled with more hard rock sounds. Always some element that didnt work 100% right. Too fizzy, too compressed, too flubby, mids too high, mids too low, no mids, no clarity in the mids, to much gain, too much feed back at the point where it sounds nearly right, on and on.


After I posted my previous post I emailed Brad at Jetter again asking a few questions. He replied almost straight away with a lengthy email explaining things to me patiently and clearly. Every point he made was well thought out and well explained.

This part here is what I found interesting (I found it all interesting but this part caught my attention)


(cut to get to the point)

Part of the reason the Red side sounds as it does is because it is not super gainy and saturated. That is part of the reason that I paired it with the Helium in the R2. I set a R2, for my own playing, for three distinct tones; I set the Gain on each side to give me a good slight to moderate OD on their own. That way I have two good basic tones to choose from. Then, I will use both sides engaged for my "singing" lead tone. For me, I set both side's Gain to around 1-3 O'Clock (depending on the guitar and amp) and set the tones to taste.

Another way I use the R2 is to set the Helium side for my crunchy rhythm/edge-of-breakup tone and then add the Red to get my lead tone. Running it this way allows another tone trick; I can then set the Red side's Volume higher thus goosing the Helium side resulting in a slightly more dynamic response.

But again, there are no right or wrong ways to set up a pedal...just experiment and discover what works best for you


Thats the thing about it, it is a good sound, its a great marshall rock sound. I wondered why it didnt have more capacity for gain but I was so taken by the sound and the way it sat in the sound of the amp I was prepared to over look the gain and just make do. Thats kind of a big deal for me.

When I ran it through my amp at a level where the loud drummer hits the snare I didnt feel like it was lacking in gain for any thing I do as far as rhythm goes. Standing on the Helium side was a full, fat, warm sound with bite and nads that was a pleasure to hear.

It sounded great with the sc neck p/up and great with the hb bridge in my strat.


One disclaimer, the Fender Concert takes pedals really well, it is the ultimate blank canvas amp. Through the Mesa LS the RED2 did start to get some flub and compression going on, It still sounded good but the edges were knocked off, a slightly damaged version of the RED2 through the Concert.



I dont know if my recomendation is worth too much as Ive hated and bailed on some really highly acclaimed pedals that have iconic status on the internet. This Jetter suits me and my gear really well.

Sorry if Im coming across all gushy and long winded about an od stomp, Im just happy that for now I dont have to chase that sound that Ive never been able to find 100%. I can just play without thinking its sounding too flubby or fizzy or bitey or wrong. Still probably need a few more gigs with it to be certain I guess, but Im pretty confident. Being two useful good sounding stomps in one theres a lot of room to move with it.


I also find it funny that Im back using an amp I bought in 1986 based soley on the fact that it had Fender written on it. No other reason than that!!!

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It's good to know that you finally found one you like :) That was a long search, wasn't it?


How long before you chuck it in the back of the drawer? ;)

I dont think you realise the extent of its awesomeness. Its well awesome!! :P

I hope after my over the top hype on this one I dont back away from it. That would be embarrassing :)

Im just very enamoured with this handsome little device right now.

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Because I dont have enough and I keep forgetting that they mostly sound the same.

I ordered a Jetter Red square


Its got buttons, switches, lights and dials, so Im pretty excited about it.

Ive got a feeling it will be "the one". Its actually two.

Ive had this feeling before many times right before I hit the buy now button. But this is different to the other times. Its white with red writing.

I didnt really think much of the demo's Ive heard and cant really see how it will be different from anything else I have or have had.

Im expecting it to be another od pedal. But I also have high expectations that this is the one that will have good looking women with intelligent smiles, dark smouldering eyes, suggestively arched eyebrows and full lips coming up during breaks to tell me how much they love my tone. I will probably smile and nod and say something like, "yeh".

In my mind I hear it to be the perfect blend of tight but fat bottom end with smooth highs. It wil also have bite and good natured mids.

I will be able to play Mustang Sally with conviction and authority.

Should have it in 10 days which generaly means it wont be here in 21 days and I will be over it before I get it and wont want to use it because of the bad feelings attached to it. (breath now).

But Im an optimist so Im expecting it in 7 days and feel like we are going to be new best friends.

That's freekin funny..I just bought a Wampler Ecstasy overdrive, and it's taken me a month to dial it in, but I think I like it..Works great with my old beat up Gibby amp.. :icon_smile:

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The thing is, there's always a pedal to buy that you haven't had yet. Though I am guilty of buying a pedal, selling because I don't like it, then buying the same one again a couple of years later to try it again, only to sell it again because now I remember why I didn't like it the first time.



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  • 1 month later...

Its been about two months.

This dual od stomp works so well with my amp and guitars. Im really impressed. Happy. Its been a worthwhile purchase. It does exactly what I wanted it to do with out me feeling like its not quite right. Ive found it actually has more uses than I initially expected.

The Red shift side has a pretty good Marshall sound going on. (which Marshall? a cranked one that Angus and Malcom would use) The mids and bottom end are almost perfect running through the Fender Concert and 212 cab.

Flick the toggle switch back on that side and the voice changes to something I guess would get you close to the dumbly kind of thing. I like the sounds in this mode better than the zendrive. It just seems more useable to me. Having said that, I dont use that position. But knowing its there and that it does a great job means I dont have to buy something else.

The Helium side is the one that I didnt get at first and just used it as a solo boost or to just add gain for more modern songs.

Im finding out that that side is cool all by itself. Im still messing with it and finding all kinds of uses for it. Enough for me to consider getting the heium as a stand alone as well.

Both sides of this stomp, or all three settings, work really well with the other gear I am using.

It doesnt totally take care of the higher gain sounds I have to use but Im fine with that. I have another stomp that does those sounds. This one http://www.heritageo...opic/18305-npd/

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  • 3 weeks later...

But I also have high expectations that this is the one that will have good looking women with intelligent smiles, dark smouldering eyes, suggestively arched eyebrows and full lips coming up during breaks to tell me how much they love my tone. I will probably smile and nod and say something like, "yeh".



Just for the record, yep. Has happened. No crap.

I didnt say just "yeh" btw.

The last gig we did with the roo's etc, a good looking raven haired young women came over during the break and said that she thought the band was great, our singer was awesome and she really liked the sound of my guitar..... amongst other things.

I did have some good sounds going but I was also feeling good and playing well so I dont know where what fits where in that chain.

play well> feel good>sound good.

feel good>play well> sound good.

sound good>play well>feel good

Theres a few more variations to go but Im not going to do them.

If I was feeling like crap and not playing all that great would Claire still have come up and said she liked the sound of my guitar?

If I was wearing jeans, a tshirt and runners instead of looking quite sharp in black dress pants, black dress shirt, tie and black leather dress shoes, would Claire have even noticed there was a guitar? (I did look good ;) )(lol)

I dont want to take away from the fact that I did have a good sound and one I liked, but I dont think Im totally comfortable with it all coming down to a cheapish off the shelf overdrive pedal that anyone can buy. I mean if thats the trick of it, its not much of a grail to seek out is it.


Damn you Claire, playing with my mind like that. Thanks for the uncertainty.

Thanks Brad Jetter for helping me to pick up good looking women with intellegent smiles, suggestively arched eyebrows and full lips. (Im kidding, I ran away and hid)


On a side note but still related, the Helium side of the Red2 which I use as a solo boost, failed to work a couple of times. I had to stomp on it hard quite a few times to get it working. Ive done three dusty out door gigs with it so Im cutting it a little slack. Having said that, the cheap dano TOD1 has done lots of dusty out door gigs and hasnt hinted at failure. Infact I used the dano as plan B on top of its own duties and it worked fine.

So a little of the shine has come off the RED2.

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It's been a lot of fun following your overdrive quest. I got caught up in looking for the perfect overdrive for awhile but I kept buying things and then deciding I liked what I already had better, finally I just decided there was nothing wrong with what I had.


There are a couple I wish I had kept, but they still wouldn't be on my main board. The BB pre and the HBE Paradrive would have been great for a board to leave at church since I've been playing there fairly regularly.


My favorite is still the Direct Drive, but it can be kind of muddy for rythmn the way I keep it set, but the lead sound is wonderful.


I use the OCD with the gain turned completely off for sort of a sparkly country twang kind of thing, and the Rat for the heavier stuff. I rarely stack them, it's just something I haven't dialed in and apparently don't need since I've been getting by.


My new search will probably be a better delay, or another delay to use with the one I have, one for slap back one for longer delays.

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