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Fender Mustang Recording...


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Thanksgiving Day. Quiet day, played Disc golf with the 10 year old, watched football, had the traditional TGiving dinner with just my wife, daughters, Mother-In-Law, and good friend who is a single Dad, and, oh, guitar player. He and I conked out watching the Dallas/Redskins game after dinner, then started talking about, among other things, our love of guitars. He said he just "couldn't get along" with Telecasters. I just can't let blasphemy like that slide, so I put both of my Teles in his hands, plugged him into my new Fender Mustang III, pulled up Audacity, and hit record a few times.


I love the Mustang Series of amps. They are cheaply made though, with plastic input jacks all around, including the AUX and PHONE jacks. These WILL break. So what. Cheap, throwaway technology that has a Fender 5 year Warranty. I got it for $254 shipped from MF, so no complaints. EXCEPT..... Recording this thing has been a little less than idiot-proof, so I'VE had a problem, haha. There is a USB connector from the laptop to the amp, and Ableton Live 8 is a free download with purchase of the amp. WAY to complicated for me to figure out, so I tried to use tried-and-true Audacity. It never "found" my amp as an input device, and Fender Forum offered little advice to rectify this. So, I plugged the guitar into the amp as usual, plugged an instrument cable from the Effects Send to the Instrument Input on my Lexicon Lambda Preamp interface, and hit record. Not stellar recordings; I am a total novice at figuring out levels, etc, but I think I convinced my buddy (who has owned an American Standard Tele in the past) that my MIM BAJA Tele is the Shiznit. The dirtier clips were either on the Mustang's 57 Deluxe, the 80's British, or the 59 Bassman with the gain turned up. The clean was on a Fender Twin with some Sine Chorus added, (I think). Here's some clips. Any advice on better technique/ options with the Mustang III are appreciated.







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hey that's neat, nice playing!!



IMO you can't beat a real mic though...although some people have used the DI/line level sound to great effect ( Pages doubled gtr on black dog, Clapton's solo in strange brew ) I generally can't stand it!! :D


the other noteable exception I can think of is Gilmour's solo in another brick in the wall...but they fed his DI signal through several(?) neve preamps cranked right up, to get that clean sustained sound...with the P90 goldtop

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Hey Brian,


Sounds like you had a lovely and fun thanksgiving. I always enjoy when people upload sound clips, and enjoyed these as well.


I just have one question, for the technologically dumb, (me), is the Lexicon Lambda Preamp interface a piece of hardware that you plug your guitar into, and that plugs into the computer, and then from there, you use Audacity as recording software?

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Hey Brian,


Sounds like you had a lovely and fun thanksgiving. I always enjoy when people upload sound clips, and enjoyed these as well.


I just have one question, for the technologically dumb, (me), is the Lexicon Lambda Preamp interface a piece of hardware that you plug your guitar into, and that plugs into the computer, and then from there, you use Audacity as recording software?


Yes. I've posted a link to one below here. It's plugged into my computer pretty much permanently, as it's also the soundcard/interface for the studio monitors I use pretty much as an expensive set of laptop speakers! It certainly makes listening to music as I browse the web more enjoyable. I saw a used Lamda at the Peoria GC the other day for $39, and almost grabbed it for a spare because it was so cheap



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That actually works pretty well! Ive never tried a di out of a mustang, kinda useful.

Always liked "Shine".


I have the Lexicon Alpha. Its useful. Im not sure what it does but it sits between various things on my desk and makes things sound better and interace with each other quite well.

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I usually use the HEADPHONE out on my mustang 3 and found it to works better. I have played live with the Headphone out and an inexpensive adaptor cable to convert the stereo signal to mono, then into a direct box and found it works quite good. I bet you could send that right into your interface. If you interface has two inputs, just send the left and the right that way. The level coming out the Headphone jack I found to work a lot better than the output from the effects send.


Let me know if this works better for you. I would be curious.


Have you loaded the FUSE Software yet as this might be what your after to utilize USB


Good luck Shundog. Let me know how it turns out.


BTW: I also have a BAJA Tele and think they are great guitars... Good playing there.

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OK, I tried it your way, Bob. You were right! I just thought that there wasn't a need for an interface with this thing to record. I have played with FUSE a bit, pretty neat software for editing presets. To record your way, I went Out of the phone jack to the Instrument input in the interface (into the IN jack in the back gave me no sound.) I agree, it sounds better than going through the send on the effects loop. Here are a couple clam-filled demos, one clean, one wound-up. Just to be clear, the clips with the Tele last night were played by my buddy, not me.






And here was the night's set up..













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I briefly had a Mustang III, what a cool/versatile amp. Only 1 issue I had was when playing with humbuckers. When I went with the "woman tone", the speaker would sound all weirdly distorted. I was told by other M3 owners that it was an issue with the programming of the amp and not a speaker issue.

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I had never thought of a way to connect my laptop to monitor speakers quickly and easily. Looks like you just gave me the solution. Thanks Brian. I like the sounds you are getting from that amp. I thought it sounded surprisingly full even on my tinny speakers.

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I had never thought of a way to connect my laptop to monitor speakers quickly and easily. Looks like you just gave me the solution. Thanks Brian. I like the sounds you are getting from that amp. I thought it sounded surprisingly full even on my tinny speakers.


Don, I forgot part of my setup; underneath the laptop that sits on this old round end table I picked up off of the side of the road (yeah, I'm "that guy" going through people's trash, sometimes in a suit and tie, even, haha) sit 2 M-Audio BX-5 Studio Monitors. Middle of the road studio monitors, probably nothing a "real" studio would use, but after having them, I just can't go back to internal speakers on a laptop, or even desktop computer speakers. The BX-5s are connected to the Lexicon Lambda via 1/4 in cables, left and right. They have their own power supply, and it's fun to have friends come into my office to listen to something on the laptop, and look at their perplexed looks when they hear the full, rich sound come from "the laptop." I let them ponder how a laptop can sound that good before I share my little secret, haha.





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I briefly had a Mustang III, what a cool/versatile amp. Only 1 issue I had was when playing with humbuckers. When I went with the "woman tone", the speaker would sound all weirdly distorted. I was told by other M3 owners that it was an issue with the programming of the amp and not a speaker issue.


For better or worse, these things are about as much a computer as an amp. Fender has Firmware updates to address problems that come up with the amp that you can download via the USB cable to the amp to update the firmware, as well as import presets from the online community of Mustang geeks out there.

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Have you looked at the G-DEC3? Is that similar to your Mustang?


Similar; 30 watts vs 100 in the Mustang III. GDEC has a 10 inch speaker VS the 12 in the Mustang, but don't let that stop you; A 10 sounds great in this amp and in my Super Champ XD. Honestly, I could have done these recordings with my tiny Mustang I, or any G-DEC, as it uses the same amp models, and horsepower isn't an issue, as it's just sending the signal via the headphone jack to the interface. The G-DEC3s were being blown out as a doorbuster for $99 yesterday at GC, which is just plain nuts. They sound great, they have backing tracks (I think you can download different ones, as well) and use the same FUSE software from Fender that allows to to deep edit the presets. The G-DEC also has a slot for an SD card, so you can record to it and take it with you. Amazing value. It's a good time to be a guitar/amp nut! Here are the specs on the GDEC; I couldn't find it on MF's site, so they may have already discontinued it, which would be a shame.



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Sounds a lot better. I haven't researched this, but I wonder if Fender is EQing the signal coming of of the headphone jack. Whatever their doing, it seems to work as a direct out.


Luckily, I scored one of those G-DEC 3 30s at Guitar center for 99 dollars, The good thing the with G-dec is it has kept me so busy that I am not out shopping and spending money.


Very similar to the Mustang ... An amazing piece of gear. Fender is doing something right with their mustang line, maybe there will be a new version of the g-dec or it didn't sell and the'll continue with the mustang line. NAMM 2013 is coming up. Hmmm.

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Well our new band finally made our Live Debut playing one of our original songs. Used the Mustang III with a modified Tweed Deluxe amp and a few effects. Thought it turned out pretty good. Plenty loud and pretty responsive. Next time, I'm going to take out a tweed deluxe and maybe a Mesa for comparision, but for now, The mustang's doing pretty good.


Here is our recording


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"I remember drinkin' whiskey....remember drinking beer... Tryin' to remember, how the hell I got here!" It's been a while, but yeah, been there done that! haha. You've got some tasty licks going in that one, Bob. I especially like the pinch harmonics you threw in midway. Nice solid bass player, too. Good luck with the new band.

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A-HA! I finally figured out how to record with just the USB cord. Ableton Live 8 Lite is too much for me, as I don't have a PhD in electrical engineering, haha. OK, maybe not quite that bad, but I felt like this took me WAY longer than it should have to figure out. Finally, I Googled "Mustang Audacity Recording" or something like that. After 10 minutes of fooling around, I finally got Audacity to "see" the Mustang III as an input device. Not terribly intuitive, as I had to right click on somthing, "enable" the "disabled" devices, in this case, the Mustang, and then it was available as an input.....SHEESH!! I also figured it out finally in Ableton Live, but I know Audacity a little better, so I went with that.


Soooo, after this long strange trip, you can record:


1.) Mic it up. Enuf said...


2.) Go through the Effects Send to the input on an interface that connects to the computer.


3.) Go through the headphone jack to an interface that connects to the computer.


4.) The option that I KNEW had to exist; going from the USB port on the amp to the USB on the computer. No interface needed, but this SHOULD be made to be much easier to figure out than it was. PHEW!!! Here it is direct USB to USB. Yeah, I know, I'm pushing the 535 out of tune. Sue me...



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