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Heritage 05 Patriot

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I'm not sure what was typical/stock for that amp, but I would think it best to check for yourself to be safe... especially if someone might have done some speaker swapping at some point in it's life.


There should be a marking somewhere on the speaker that tells you; and if not, if you have a multimeter/ohm meter you can always check it yourself- you can either disconnect the leads from the speakers and check each one individually, or just unlplug the cable from the amp and check from the cable tip to see what the ohm rating is for the pair (if you check the pair and you're not familiar with parallel vs series, feel free to post a pick of the wiring - for example, two 8ohm speakers in parallel is a 4 ohm load, two 8ohm speakers in series is a 16ohm load). Note that in either case the reading won't be exact, it will just give you the general range (for example, an 8 ohm speaker might read anywhere between 5 and 8 ohms)

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My Patriot has 2 G12H 30watt 8 ohm speakers wired in parallel for a net 4 ohm load.


The amp has taps for 2, 4 and 8 ohm loads.




Here's the label on the speaker itself.




Doug~My Patriot is exactly the same set-up as pictured.


According to Ampwares.com, your '93 Twin was also 4 ohm from the factory.



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Guys have been running 20watt and 25watt Celestion Greenbacks in amps WAY to powerful for their rate for a long time. If you don't dime the amp for 4 hrs staright you should be fine.


FWIW, I am running a 65Watt 8ohm Scumback M75 (Greenback clone) with my 80watt Bogner Shiva and no troubles (even at PSP when I was trying to keep up with the young whipper snappers!! :laughing7: )

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