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Question about circuitry


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While reading some of the amp build threads, H's and KBP's mostly, I've wondered what the letter number classifications mean. I've seen 5E3, H's new AA946, and many others from magazine articles. Can anyone explain these to me?

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These are Fender code numbers for the variations in circuit or cabinet design for their amps. 5e3 is another way of saying 1957 Fender Deluxe amp.


It gets a little more tricky when a circuit design is shared across a range; AA964 can relate to Princetons, Vibrolux Reverbs and others.


Hope that helps a bit :)

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A Fender 5e4 is their old Super Amp.

...or were you asking if there was rhyme and reason to the circuit name designations?

I've been studying Fender circuits over the past month or two. Up to 1963, they used that format you are talking about. The 5 means 50's circuitry. The letter stands for the circuit version. The final number is the amp model.

A 5F1 is the 6th version of the tweed Champ. The Champ was the first Fender amp model so 5x1 is a fender Champ. The Princeton was the second so a 5x2 is a Princeton. A 5a2, with A being the first letter of the alphabet, means this is the first circuit type for the 50's Princeton. 5b2 is the second circuit of the same amp. Make sense?

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