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Good Compressor / Bad Compressor


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For my first foray into pedals, I've been saving my Amazon points to get a compressor.


I'll be using it for:

1. chicken pickin'

2. long, singing sustain


My research convinced me the Wampler Ego was the best choice. Seems like a

quality, high fidelity pedal. Particularly good for No. 1, average for No. 2.

Then I just saw the Rivera Sustain Shaman. It seems geared for reeeeealllllllly long

sustain, but there are no youtube clips showing chicken pickin'.

Sadly, there aren't any good guitar shops near me, so I can't try them in person.


Has anyone had experience with either of these?



Mr B

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i've heard great things about the Wampler Ego and Rivera too. Can't go wrong there. If you dont like it you can sell it easily for a discount off of the new price and try something else. That's part of the fun with pedals! I had a Diamond Compressor it a terrific that I loved for jazz, but not the best for sustain. Would be good for chicken pickin' but other compressors will give you more sustain.

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I have a Janglebox..we really don't do any country, but it gives me great clean sustain..Kinda pricey though..

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