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Heritage Owners Club

Used Amp Day: Vox AC15CC1


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A buddy of mine was interested in buying one of my guitars, and offered some trade-bait as part of the deal. He had an Egnater Rebel 20, a Voc AC15CC1, and a PRS Santana SE. I PMed High Flying Bird about his AC15, and said he loved it, so I decided to try it out for awhile. If I don't bond with it, guess where it's going?! haha. I also got the PRS, which is practically spotless, but more on that in another thread.


The Vox is a 15 watt tube amp with EL84s, tremolo, reverb, and master volume. Made in China. Cheap plastic input jack. Quite heavy for a 15 watt combo, probably because the cabinet is made of particle board, and the Wharfdale speaker magnet looks huge on the thing. $599 at Musician's Friend, around $500 with the 15% discount they are advertising now and seemingly always. Actually, the AC15 CC1 has been discontinued, and the AC15 C1, a slightly different model, is what's available now. I got a good deal on this one.


I shot this quick iphone video of Tim playing my Prospect through the Vox, using the Tremolo and Reverb. No, he didn't get my Prospect.


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Nice ... snag! The CC1 line of Voxs were actually redesigned with help from Tony Bruno. I use an AC30CC1 w/neodynium spkr at home. Used to have an AC15CC1 as my working amp. Mine had a Weber Blue Dog in it. And it just sang! Can't imagine you won't bond with the AC15. They can be tons-o-fun.

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Thanks, guys. I played around with it quite a bit tonight with a Tele, a 525, and a PRS Santana SE. Very different tones, obviously, from all of the guitars, but I am impressed by how versatile the amp can be. Sweet cleans; you can certainly see where Vox gets it's "chimey" adjective. Deep reverb and tremolo, but very different from my Deluxe Reverb. Does the crunch thing I love quite well, and doesn't have to be terribly loud to do it because of the master volume. There was some tube rattle when using the PRS and cranking the amp pretty high. Not unbearable, but slightly annoying.


Kenny, I have a Weber Blue Dog in my Peavey Classic 30; I had already thought about trying it in the Vox, I think you just pushed me over the edge.... :headbang:

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Thanks, guys. I played around with it quite a bit tonight with a Tele, a 525, and a PRS Santana SE. Very different tones, obviously, from all of the guitars, but I am impressed by how versatile the amp can be. Sweet cleans; you can certainly see where Vox gets it's "chimey" adjective. Deep reverb and tremolo, but very different from my Deluxe Reverb. Does the crunch thing I love quite well, and doesn't have to be terribly loud to do it because of the master volume. There was some tube rattle when using the PRS and cranking the amp pretty high. Not unbearable, but slightly annoying.


Kenny, I have a Weber Blue Dog in my Peavey Classic 30; I had already thought about trying it in the Vox, I think you just pushed me over the edge.... :headbang:

If it's already broken in, you should just be thrilled with it. Well, pleased, anyway.

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