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Deluxe Reverb Out-of Phase Issue Resolution

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"Why is tone such a pain in the butt."


You know what guys, we all do an aweful lot of obsessing about tone. I was thinking about this the other day, and thought: if I was a monster player, would anyone be listening to my tone, or saying to himself: wow, I really like those licks, or that solo. When I listen to music, I listen to it as a whole, first, and then the solos, only if they're interesting, or gawdawful boring. I only notice the tone when its so trebly that it's grating on my nerves, or, on occasion, to admire that fat jazz box tone. But 90% of the time, for me, it's what the playah is playing.

I agree and a large proportion of non-guitarist audiences would also agree I think. The performance is what they go to see; it's usually only us guitar-heads that obsess about a neck pickup pentatonic run dripping with buttah ;)
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A lot of it is psychological. If your guitar sounds, to you, like you think it should, you play better.

Plus, it's fun to have someone come up to you, after a gig, and tell you how sweet your guitar sounds. `,:-)


So, back to my tube queary...

Thanks, Kuz & H, for the good info!

But I'm slow.

An example using some made up numbers:

Two identical DRRI's,

amp A with the original 12AX7 in the preamp,

amp B with a 12AY7.

Set both volume pots at 3, B will not be as loud as A, right?

Crank B up till it's at the same level, say to 4.5, so the're now equally loud.

Increase A to a setting of 5,

Increase B to match the level of A, say to 6.5.

Both amps are sending an identical signal to the power tubes, so the power tubes arent clipping.

But since the preamp tube in B is at 6.5, isnt that tube starting to clip?

How does B give you more clean headroom?


no comprendo,

Mr B

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The gain factor is the key, Mr B. The 12AX7, at its clipping point, will also have amplified its input signal by 100, its output thus potentially pushing any tube downline into its clipping point.


At the same point the 12AY7 has amplified the signal by around 40.


It's the cumulative effect of gain (and possibly clipping) on the signal through multiple stages.

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Quick update on my Deluxe reissue. As per the recommendations of several of you guys: Bright cap is gone, and the reverb tube (V 4) has been replaced by a 12DW7. Tamer 'verb and less high end chaff. The amp is really coming around. It'll be gigged Wednesday night in a baptism by fire, with a Nash Lester and Strat. Thanks, all.

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