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Egnater Tweaker 40 on the way!

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Been looking to expand my amp holdings lately, so I just purchased a Egnater tweaker 40 head. Got a great deal on it, and I'm looking forward to checking out the Marshall inspired tones it's supposed to be able to create. It'll get here Friday, so I won't have first hand information on it till then, but I'm wondering if anyone has played one?



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I haven't played through any of the Egnater amps but many good things have been written about them and I have watched some of the youtube videos on the tweaker lineup. I'll be interested in hearing your impression of the 40 watt model.

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My buddy has the Tweaker 15 that I did a thread on a while back with some YouTube clips. I thought it sounded great through my Texas Heat speaker that we hooked it up to. He now wants the 40 watt version to have more headroom and reverb for when he plays out. Please let us know your thoughts!


Edit to add: I just checked out the specs, and I guess this doesn't have reverb.

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There are some great tones to play with in those amps. Marshall or Fender or Vox... and choose clean or hot ...etc.


I have a good time with playing the different amps and there is something that works for any guitar , when you dial it in.


The only thing that I miss is reverb.


I hope you like yours as well as I like my Tweaker amp.

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Well, so far, so good with the Tweaker. Lots of tones to be had. I'm playing through a cab with a greenback in it, and thus the bass is a little hyped. There's also a bit more compression in the sound than I'm used to, but some of that is the speaker, it's 16 ohms, so it's not terribly efficient.

I think this is going to end up being that one amp I can do just about everything with. The Fender sounds on it aren't very Fendery, but they are nice nonetheless. The tweaker switches REALLY do what they advertise, and this allows you a ton of different options. I'm looking forward to exploring it more tonight and tomorrow~

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Never used them live or with a band, but in the stores, they sounded great! Congrats, I'll be looking forward to some audio clips.

Same here. Those are nice sounding amps. Well done.

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Never used them live or with a band, but in the stores, they sounded great! Congrats, I'll be looking forward to some audio clips.

Same here. Those are nice sounding amps. Well done.

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I think this is going to end up being that one amp I can do just about everything with. The Fender sounds on it aren't very Fendery, but they are nice nonetheless. The tweaker switches REALLY do what they advertise, and this allows you a ton of different options. I'm looking forward to exploring it more tonight and tomorrow~

I really like the Marshall tones available in those, but find myself using the Vox setting a lot also...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good for you, Matt! Glad they make chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry! Meanwhile, back in your past, I'm really digging the Deluxe! Harp player I'm playing with this month went gaga over the tone I had last week. More this Wednesday. School's out! Can you throw up a clip or two of the Egnater?

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Wonder what is a better amp.. The Tweaker or the Super Sonic when it comes to tone? Personally, I like the idea of a Vox AC, Marshall, and Fender all in one...

Have owned both. Egnater wins hands down IMO. More versatile, and every Super Sonic I've played had horrible noise issues.

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Good for you, Matt! Glad they make chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry! Meanwhile, back in your past, I'm really digging the Deluxe! Harp player I'm playing with this month went gaga over the tone I had last week. More this Wednesday. School's out! Can you throw up a clip or two of the Egnater?

Might be able to do that this weekend. I've actually got it up for sale because I have a shot at an AC30 for a ridiculous price, and I miss the hell out of owning an AC30. Had one three years ago and wished like hell I never got rid of it.

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