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Is that a JBL I spy in the DR, Kuz? Nice set of blackfaces there! :)


Hmmm.... Good eye H!!!!




I played this baby tonight at Praise band practice and the cleans, OH the cleans..... and the warm crunch, OH the crunch.... just the perfect amp!!!!


Slider13, Mike, was dead on in recommending this amp/speaker combo.... and he is ALSO correct in that the Fulltone FullDrive II loves this amp!!!!!

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I'm not familiar with the speaker, but I think you're liking the airier quality of an alnico speaker in that amp. I really like the one in my KBP810 DR.

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Just everything I wanted in blackface amp tones!




Two of my all time favs right there! Add a Super Reverb to it and the line is complete.You can see the JBL by the silver dust cap! :thumbsup:. My brother's Dual Showman had the 15" versions. Cleans - oh yeah!


wow Kuz, very nice amps!!


thread title reminded me of this tune....which I guess is appropriate


Classic!!! Greg's guitars, Keith's keys, Carl's -- uh, waiting for the song with drums. Yeah, what a song.

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