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Heritage Owners Club

That Chicago Bluesbox Amp


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If anyone is interested, I have been thinking of selling CCB Roadhouse which is there flagship model. It is like a Super Reverb with reverb, vibrato, and harmonic boost. It is the 4x10 version hand point to point wiring, 40-50 watts.I love it but the recently acquired '67 Deluxe reverb is getting most of the playing time.


I brought the CCB Roadhouse last year to PSP and it received very high raves. Rob, Yoslate, said its was one of the top 5 best sounding amps he has ever played.


It is dead mint and comes with a cover. I paid $2800 for it and would sell it for $1200 but local delivery or pickup only. I am willing to drive a few hundred miles to meet an HOC member but won't ship it.


Just a PSA since this topic of CCB amps took off.

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well there ya go!!


you said the plate voltage was very high, like 700+ volts?




V30 sensitivity: 100 dB

greenback sensitivity: 98 dB


true: it was running thru that funky red pedal when I heard it...what was that thing again?



in any case, I think we can all agree it was a killer sounding little amp...as Carlos famously said: "that thing really boogies" :D

I misspoke myself....it was 485 V

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