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Anyone play through one of these or work on them? I found one on craigslist for 250 as is. It needed new tube sockets and tubes. Fired it up after installing both....definitely rock and roll. Little nervous about the plate voltage of 540V! I will also be upgrading the caps to F&T and then more likely selling if anyone is interested...

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Just replaced all the filter caps with F&T, installed all alpha pots with flying leads, and replaced a bunch of the dropping resistors with higher wattage resistors as a bunch were scorched! Sounds great, letting the silicon dry now.


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Nice! One of the members here used to build amps as a hobby and built a few for some members here. He built my 5f1 kit and did great work. I've been toying with the idea of a 5e3 lately. But I've never attempted a build on my own.

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That is Stellar. I'd be lucky to organize the components in the time you took to complete the job. Nice work!

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I had a Sovtek MIG 50 for many years. Loved it, but it had no reverb. I used an external reverb with it. Nice amp. Real work horse and lots of power. Sold it years ago, but still have fond memories of it. I owned it for about 10 years.


Never had a single problem with it.

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Yeah these amps can be hit or miss. The pots are really cheap and the one I bought volume II did not work at all so I ended up replacing them all. Really like the sound of the amp a lot.




I used to build amps for Matchless for about three years, was great experience and a lot of fun...but ended moving up to the bay area for work. I have some pics of one amp I built somewhere...its a frankenamp right now. Input is parallel 12ax7 driving a big muff tone control and volume, then into an EF86. The phase inverter is a 12ax7 paralleled cathodyne driving 2x6v6s in push-pull, that are cathode biased (that is a mouth full). Almost sounds like a mini Hiwatt-blackface fender. I already want to change it though and try some new circuits.

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I had a Mig 50 until about 6 months ago. I sold it for more than twice what I paid for it. I ordered it new right when they hit the market and enjoyed it quite a bit. They have killer raw quality that will rip the roof off most small venues. I had no more use for it with that much power and now a great band from southern Illinois is using it on a regular basis. The pots and switches are very low quality and I had them changed right away. These are killer amps.



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I used to build amps for Matchless for about three years, was great experience and a lot of fun...but ended moving up to the bay area for work. I have some pics of one amp I built somewhere...its a frankenamp right now. Input is parallel 12ax7 driving a big muff tone control and volume, then into an EF86. The phase inverter is a 12ax7 paralleled cathodyne driving 2x6v6s in push-pull, that are cathode biased (that is a mouth full). Almost sounds like a mini Hiwatt-blackface fender. I already want to change it though and try some new circuits.

Sounds like you know what you're doing :)


There are a few of us who build the occasional amp on this forum. I built a Vibrolux Reverb earlier this year :)

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Sounds like you know what you're doing :)


There are a few of us who build the occasional amp on this forum. I built a Vibrolux Reverb earlier this year :)


H has been kind enough to grace us with the vicarious amp build thread; twice. The only prerequisite is that you have a tea mug with either the HOC PSP logo or tour amp's logo.

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Sorry to nerd out there, I blacked out. Vibrolux reverb is a serious build, that's awesome. Any gut shots?

Nerd out all you like, you'll have an audience here when you do :)


Here's a gut shot of it 95% built:




I'll try to find a link to the build thread for you.

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