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Blackstar ID series amp?


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Hey everyone, I was curious if anyone has tried the Blackstar ID series amps yet? It looks pretty interesting but no-one stocks them locally for me to try. I started out playing SS amps until I played a valve amp. I currently own an Orange TT combo and a Blackstar 5w combo and enjoy both for the classic rock/blues I play.


Watching youtube videos, they have caught my eye and of course it's always fun to have something new to play with :)


Love to hear peoples opinions before I sell something for one of these. :cheers:


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Yes that obviously is a concern. My Blackstar HT-5 is a fun little amp and so far so good. I don't know if I should expect more or less problems with the solid state vs valve amps. I'm really curious about how these this sounds compared to an actual tube amp or if its typical product hype.

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This demo is definately catering to the hard rock / metal style player. The clinician really doesn't bring out the differences/characteristics of the different power tube

configurations in lower gain settings. I would like to hear a demo done by someone that would bring out the chime of the EL84, the snarling mids of the 6v6, the

crunch of the EL34, the spank of the 6L6, etc. I wonder if the amp is capable of those things.

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H that would be great. I don't know if it really matters which of the ID series you play. I'm just curious how they really compare to a tube amp before I sell one to finance a new amp.


Rockabilly , I play mostly 70-80s rock with some blues thrown in so this could be a fit for me.


toaj I have never considered the Roland even though I have a micro-cube which is fun without having to get out the pedal board. I'll take a look, thanks!


JeffB, what type of music do you play out of curiousity? I enjoy playing Led Zepplin, VanHalen, Metallica, AC/DC, Tesla, SRV,etc. (most not great but identifiable by those listening :D )

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JeffB, what type of music do you play out of curiousity? I enjoy playing Led Zepplin, VanHalen, Metallica, AC/DC, Tesla, SRV,etc. (most not great but identifiable by those listening :D )

Mainly modern drop B metal riffage and anything by Benny Goodman but with crushing slabs of gain.

No, thats not right.

I dont know what I play. Too modern hard rock for blues too bluesy for modern hard rock.

I have at different times played most of what you listed regularly.


I have been spoiled by a great selection of great amps. My opinions here are invalid. Last time I chimed in on a amp thread someone sort of took my advice but with their own slant on it and I dont think it was a happy experience for them. I was just chatting. I didnt expect anyone to act on it.

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JeffB I can see where these might not work for you. Sorry to hear about your unfriendly experience here, this is the only musical forum I visit since most of us have great tastes (Heritage)!


Rockabilly, I agree. I emailed GC to see if they plan on getting any of the Blackstart ID series amps in stock in the CNY area so I can play one. I like the characteristics of tube amps but miss the headroom I had with like the Marshall DSL (way too much amp for me) the low wattage tubes have been plenty loud enough with achieving tube breakup distortion. The 5watt Blackstar and 15watt Orange amps I have are great for some tube breakup at reasonable home volumes. I really enjoy the rock tone I get from these that I was never able to get from the Fender Blues Jr I had. I can get a great clean and a great dirty sound from the Orange but it takes changing the knobs to achieve each due to it being a single channel amp. The Blackstar has a great distortion but I would like more chime from the clean channel. Vox is too bright for me and Fender hasn't had a distortion that has satisfied me from what I have tried.


Geez I sure am picky aren't I, LOL.

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I havnt had an unhappy experience here.




JeffB I can see where these might not work for you. Sorry to hear about your unfriendly experience here, this is the only musical forum I visit since most of us have great tastes (Heritage)!


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My opinions here are invalid. Last time I chimed in on a amp thread someone sort of took my advice but with their own slant on it and I dont think it was a happy experience for them. I was just chatting. I didnt expect anyone to act on it.


So, I miss read that! So glad to hear all has been good :cheers:

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