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New OD Day


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Just picked up a Mooer Hustle Drive. No idea why. Maybe 'cause it's so cute!!! It's no larger than the Grace compressor I bought a few weeks ago. Tiny thing! I suppose I can find somewhere to stuff it in on the board. The Hustle Drive is supposed to be a take off on the OCD. Side by side with as close to the same settings as I could manage I'd say it's close. Maybe just a bit more high end. Taking it out Friday nite. That will be the real test. And if it's a no-go, then it can sit here at home with the other ODs I no longer use. Anyway, here's a stock picture of it. Mooer makes a whole line of these tiny things.



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Apologies - seems my links are not embedding the player - that is the link for a Prymaxe Vintage review of the pedal, using a 150 amongst other guitars.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got one last week and I must say I'm not a fan of most dirt pedals, but in front of my Fender SS100 set on the Bassman setting this thing really sounds great. It's very rich and natural sounding and the size is a big plus. This one gets two thumbs up from me.

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Bit of a confession here ... I haven't used mine yet! The pedalboard stays in the trailer. And the last few gigs, since getting the pedal, I've been too busy doing other things during setup to swap it out. I need to just do it and use it!



Got one last week and I must say I'm not a fan of most dirt pedals, but in front of my Fender SS100 set on the Bassman setting this thing really sounds great. It's very rich and natural sounding and the size is a big plus. This one gets two thumbs up from me.

Thats encouraging!

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Bit of a confession here ... I haven't used mine yet! The pedalboard stays in the trailer. And the last few gigs, since getting the pedal, I've been too busy doing other things during setup to swap it out. I need to just do it and use it!



Thats encouraging!

I've had the same problem lately, got a dead stomp on the board and haven't dug the board out to fix or swap it, and the trailer stays parked at my house!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty, then. I finally put the little sucker on the board last night. Interesting fellow that it is. Way more gain and volume on tap than I'm used to. Actually had a hard time getting it to fit into my vision of what I want in an OD. Even set as just a vol boost it was way louder than my other OD pedals. Good tone, got to say that. And at times I wish I could play at those volumes. But this little sucker is just too hot for me. It'll be either moving to a new home, or making residence in the pedal box along with a few others.


If anyone (in the US 48) would like to try this pedal, just for grins, I'd be happy to ship it to you to try. Seriously. I like the size, I like the idea. It's just too hot for me. Come to think of it, that is one reason I pulled the OCD. I couldn't get it to play at the same levels as my other pedals. Hmmmm.

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Way more gain and volume on tap than I'm used to. Actually had a hard time getting it to fit into my vision of what I want in an OD. Even set as just a vol boost it was way louder than my other OD pedals. Good tone, got to say that. And at times I wish I could play at those volumes. But this little sucker is just too hot for me. It'll be either moving to a new home, or making residence in the pedal box along with a few others.


I had the same thing happen with the new Fulltone Fulldrive 3. I've been using a Fulldrive 2 for a long time and the "3" was just too sensitive to adjust. The volume went from "just enough" to way too much by just touching the knob. Same thing with the gain knob. I bought it and sold it in the same week.

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