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New Amp Suggestions


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Since I've got a custom ordered Heritage coming in soon I figure it's time to get a "real" guitar amp. I'm looking for blackface or similar tone, maybe in the 20-40 watt range. Something that sounds good at bedroom levels, but has enough volume and headroom for small-medium gigs. I tend to stick with the clean channel and use OD pedals. My Egnater Rebel 30 has been my workhorse amp for the past few years, for bedroom practice as well as gigging and recording. The cleans are very good and more than usable, but they leave a little to be desired when I compare them to good Fender cleans. Maybe a speaker change would do the trick, but that's not nearly as fun as a completely new amp... :icon_tongue:


I also have a Blues Jr and a Omega-modded Hot Rod Deville 410. The Blues Jr is a fantastic sounding little amp at low volumes, but it's "boxy" sounding at louder volumes and I don't really feel like it's solidly enough built to gig with. The HRD is great sounding after having sent it in for the Omega mod (could still use a speaker change, and maybe a new cab), but it's just far too heavy and loud to be practical. I only use it maybe once a year or so for an outdoor gig, and this year I ended up just using my Egnater instead.


So, any suggestions? 20-40 watts, preferably handwired, and preferably a combo? Currently I'm looking at the sub $1000 range. I've been eyeing some vintage stuff, like 60's Ampegs, 70's Musicmans, old Mesas and 80's Fenders. Anything else I should check out? If I like my new Prospect enough I may trade/sell off my Gadow Custom Hollow, at which point I'll probably go with a silverface Deluxe or Pro Reverb, or perhaps a Rivera, Carr or Fuchs. There seem to be a lot more options once you go past the $1000 range, but ideally I can go with something underrated but great and keep my Gadow too :icon_sunny:





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I truly "love" my Mesa TA15. I gig it every weekend. But honestly, looks like you have quite a stable of amps already. And just an FYI, I've gigged a Blues Jr in a very energetic country band, and was asked to turn it down! :thumbsup:

Still, have to agree that amp shopping and getting a new amp is quite the deal. Good luck on your search. And ... is there a thread on your custom ordered Heritage?

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This.... http://www.uniquesquared.com/vox-ac15hw1-hand-wired-combo-amp.html better jump quick, don't

how long this price or availiabilty will hang around:) Though the description in the top link says a Celestion

Blue, I think that's a mistake and should be a Greenback.


I own some really nice vintage amps (61 Ampeg, 64 Fender Deluxe Reverb, etc), and this amp hangs with

them all. No it doesn't have reverb or trem, but it handles pedals GREAT, and the tone from these are

great. Check the reviews!!!

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Well...Ryan, there'll be no shortage of opinions here, that's for sure. You seem to be looking down a pretty sensible, practical road. Hard to go wrong with a "clean Fender" platform. $1K, and under...? I'd enthusiastically endorse a silverface Deluxe, if you can get one (vintage, not re-issue), which is growing more difficult every day. And Music Man (an early one!) is almost always overlooked. You could also do a Deluxe reissue (there'll be a little push-back here, but I have one, slightly modded that kills). And, as Daniel allows, the handwired Vox...killer tone! Any of these amps, with some speaker and tube fiddling, to taste, should fill the bill. Or...unload some stuff (that Gadow), and do it right, the Carr Rambler, for instance. Sounds as though you're about to have some fun. Good luck. Bet your Prospect will be fab!

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This.... http://www.uniquesquared.com/vox-ac15hw1-hand-wired-combo-amp.html better jump quick, don't

how long this price or availiabilty will hang around:) Though the description in the top link says a Celestion

Blue, I think that's a mistake and should be a Greenback.


I own some really nice vintage amps (61 Ampeg, 64 Fender Deluxe Reverb, etc), and this amp hangs with

them all. No it doesn't have reverb or trem, but it handles pedals GREAT, and the tone from these are

great. Check the reviews!!!

Ah yeah, a Vox AC. Then again, I have my Mesa TA on the Vox Top Boost side ... all the time.

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I second the silverface Deluxe Reverb. You can usually find the mid 70's models for $800-$900, depending on condition. I just sold an early '71, locally for $1,100, that had all Fender/GE USA preamp tubes and a set of brown base JAN GE 6V6GTY's in it. I also did a couple of cap and resistor changes, to fatten up the tone, at the buyer request.

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I second the silverface Deluxe Reverb. You can usually find the mid 70's models for $800-$900, depending on condition. I just sold an early '71, locally for $1,100, that had all Fender/GE USA preamp tubes and a set of brown base JAN GE 6V6GTY's in it. I also did a couple of cap and resistor changes, to fatten up the tone, at the buyer request.

Yes, the Silverfaces are a great bargain, and if you could find one with the cloth circuit wiring and no snubber caps, even better! Late 60's, early to mid 70's are best. Slider please jump in here and explain what I mean by Snubbers:)

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tulk1, here is the thread from back when I ordered my Prospect. I'll be checking in with Wolfe this week to see if there are any updates on it. http://www.heritageownersclub.com/forums/topic/22916-custom-heritage-idea/


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think I'll hold off on any big purchases for now, unless I come across a killer deal on something unexpected. I think I'll spring for a silverface Fender later on, after I move some gear around. Vintage style Fender cleans are what I'm after and I may as well go for the real thing. Also, any opinions on Rivera-era Fenders?


In the meantime, I might swap some speakers in an attempt to rekindle some love for my current amp stable.





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The Rivera era Concert is a very nice amp, and definitely in the wattage territory you're seeking. There's one close to me in the UK for a reasonable price, £600, which just needs a new reverb tank. I came close to getting that after several sampling sessions with it. If it's that price here, they should be a good price in the US too.


I'm pretty sure that our own JeffB has one of these and has done YouTube clips with it. I have a feeling GitFiddler also has one.

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Guest HRB853370

This.... http://www.uniquesquared.com/vox-ac15hw1-hand-wired-combo-amp.html better jump quick, don't

how long this price or availiabilty will hang around:) Though the description in the top link says a Celestion

Blue, I think that's a mistake and should be a Greenback.


I own some really nice vintage amps (61 Ampeg, 64 Fender Deluxe Reverb, etc), and this amp hangs with

them all. No it doesn't have reverb or trem, but it handles pedals GREAT, and the tone from these are

great. Check the reviews!!!

That is a great price on that VOX! And I never have heard of Uniquesquared before either!!!

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The Rivera era Concert is a very nice amp, and definitely in the wattage territory you're seeking. There's one close to me in the UK for a reasonable price, £600, which just needs a new reverb tank. I came close to getting that after several sampling sessions with it. If it's that price here, they should be a good price in the US too.


I'm pretty sure that our own JeffB has one of these and has done YouTube clips with it. I have a feeling GitFiddler also has one.


+1 for an 80's Fender Rivera-era Concert. http://ampwares.com/amplifiers/fender-concert-ii/


My 1x12 Concert combo is handwired, point-to-point with great tone, drippy reverb and two channels. I don't use the second channel for it's overdrive, just for another clean channel with a slightly different tone stack. All mine needed was a speaker upgrade. And it came with the original '80s tubes.


These are consistently on EBay for around $600+/-.

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tulk1, here is the thread from back when I ordered my Prospect. I'll be checking in with Wolfe this week to see if there are any updates on it. http://www.heritageownersclub.com/forums/topic/22916-custom-heritage-idea/


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think I'll hold off on any big purchases for now, unless I come across a killer deal on something unexpected. I think I'll spring for a silverface Fender later on, after I move some gear around. Vintage style Fender cleans are what I'm after and I may as well go for the real thing. Also, any opinions on Rivera-era Fenders?


In the meantime, I might swap some speakers in an attempt to rekindle some love for my current amp stable.





And I even replied!! And you sent me a PM, didn't you? This Oldhimerz is for the birds!! Uh, not Ron, real birds!! Sorry for the disconnect.

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A 212 cab for the Blues Junior. Or another blues Junior and run them in stereo. Not so boxy!!

Larry 6digits also has a Concert ii I think. I think theres 4-5 Concert owners on the HOC.

I run the Concert II at home through a 212 cab. Its midnight. I run everything through a 212 cab.

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Yes, the Silverfaces are a great bargain, and if you could find one with the cloth circuit wiring and no snubber caps, even better! Late 60's, early to mid 70's are best. Slider please jump in here and explain what I mean by Snubbers:)

Snubber caps are actually "suppression" caps to prevent parasitic oscillation . The lead dress, or wire routing and lengths, was not a priority in the production of silverface amps starting around 1970. This led to oscillation in some amps. The caps were there to suppress the high frequencies. This made some amp sound like something was "choking" the signal. Well, it was. I've had good luck just removing them from the tube sockets with no ill affect.

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