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Heritage Owners Club

Need help with amp choice.


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Tungstens are highly regarded as are Heritage and Top Hats. There were recently Heritage and Top Hat amps advertised in the for sale section you may want to check out.

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there is a radical difference in sound and build quality between Fender tweeds (up to about 1960) and subsequent (BF, SF, etc.). "sounds" like you're responding to that difference between the tweed Bandmaster and the DRRI. hard to say, cuz everyone hears everything differently. i suggest you give more attention to the older design. some boutique builders (Carr, e.g.) can get tweed sounds with BF circuits. having a good mids control helps. speaker selection is very important (most BF Fenders (not all) used cheap speakers (utah, oxford, cts).


you might also look for Dr. Z amps, which are pretty original, high quality, relatively lower cost.


if you're using Youtube or similar to audition amps, use good outboard speakers or headphones.


btw, where do you live? maybe someone can point you to a particularly good store to demo amps.

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