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Heritage Owners Club

Anyone try a Vintage amp 15 watt jazz version?


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In my search for an amplifier, I came across these Allesandro modded Fender 65 deluxe reissues (PTP wiring), which then led me to a "Vintage 15 watt JZ amp." You can check these out at soundislandmusic.com, and see the specs and hear a demo. Note, there is a 15 watt as well, but not set up for jazz. Very intrigued and plan on demo'ing one in person in a couple of weeks up in Seattle.


I talked to the guy who puts these together and they are apparently a custom amp in the flavor of the older Fenders, but possibly better, and new, i.e., one doesn't have to hassle with a refurb of parts.


I was wondering if any of you had come across one, bought one? I will add another post after I demo one, but this might just be a purchase. I am somewhat of a newby, or rather a return to playing guy, so I'm trying to sort out all the options.



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I spoke with the genleman that owns the store regarding the amp. It is modeled after the Blackface Princeton Reverb but has added tone controls and no trem.

I had a KBP810 chassis built for me with that exact amp in mind. I have it in my closet awaiting my purchase of a cabinet and speaker for it.


I'd be interested in hearing your impressions of it after you have a chance to play it.

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