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Heritage Owners Club

Liberty combo worth?

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I have a Liberty combo amp that has 2- 12" Jensen speaker cabinet that my wife bought for me a few years ago. I am going to sell it as I want to go in a different direction. It's a really nice amp but I'm not using it. I'm trying to figure out a reasonable asking price for it and have tried searching the internet but haven't found anything to compare it with. Does anyone out there have any info on prices for this? Thanks Dennispost-19622-0-66172800-1396558931_thumb.jpg

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Hey Dennis~ Welcome to the HOC.


Your wifey must REALLY love you, man!! That Heritage Liberty looks identical to one CB Perkins had several years ago. They went for mid $2k new.




Nowadays IF you can find one, they can go from $1,500 up to $2,200 or more depending on condition, seller and (ahem!) the buyer. I dig the tweed look on yours. That was an option back in 2005-2006 when they still made them.


Good luck with the sale.

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... That Heritage Liberty looks identical to one CB Perkins had several years ago. They went for mid $2k new.




Nowadays IF you can find one, they can go from $1,500 up to $2,200 or more depending on condition, seller and (ahem!) the buyer. I dig the tweed look on yours. That was an option back in 2005-2006 when they still made them.




that one at Perkins' was the only one i tried. they got a nice sampling of amps in and the Liberty came in a few months after i picked up a new Colonial. IIRC (big IF), it went for about $2200, or about $200 more than the Colonial rig (about 1/3 off MSRP). it was very much Colonial-sounding in the SAG position, which is really to say tweed Bassman->JTM45. the diff in features was no PAF power system (PaulC eventually was awarded a patent for the Colonial power system), but had a 3-knob reverb. the tweed covering was prob'ly the reason for the extra charge.


if i hadn't gotten the Colonial already, the Liberty mighta been a better fit for me...outstanding hunka gear


(btw, Dennis, you prob'ly don't want to call that rig a "combo")

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Yes I guess my wife does love me! I'm new to this site and am just trying to get an idea for a price. The administrator told me I need to have a price which is what I'm trying to figure out. Oh and she did buy this from C.B. Perkins. Am I in the wrong place in this site? If so where should I be? Thanks

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You need to divide the topic into two segments; what are these normally worth in Amplification and Effects, and I'm selling this for $xxx within Heritage For Sale.


If you are looking for a price and still not selling yet, the topic title is saying otherwise and needs corrected.

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Heritage amps often sell for what they're worth, which is top $ because they are awesome designs with quality components and a GREAT sound. But they sometimes sell for less, probably because the Heritage amp brand is (understandably) not as well known as the obvious competitors. If you've got time, start high and work you're way down to the least you can take...

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Yes I guess my wife does love me! I'm new to this site and am just trying to get an idea for a price. The administrator told me I need to have a price which is what I'm trying to figure out. Oh and she did buy this from C.B. Perkins. Am I in the wrong place in this site? If so where should I be? Thanks


OK, so i remember that amp. here are some data points:


- it was discontinued in '08 (as were all of 'em) with an MSRP of $3295

- you know what the MAP price for it was (about 1/3 off?)

- i've seen them go for as little as $500 to as much as $1600, regardless of covering


unlike DC Ron, i've never seen a Heritage amp go for what it's worth and would expect a lot of low-balling. but that's the market for ya.


if i were in need of an '06 Lib, i wouldn't hesitate to offer $2000 for the rig. but i've got no need and no money, so howzat? :icon_joker:


good luck,


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Hey J, I appreciate your input. I hope to set a price here in the near future.


good luck on your sale. it's unfortunate the buying public in general doesn't appreciate the quality of design and build of these amps. i attribute it to a familiar of marketing. most of us can tell the difference in quality between a Chevy and a Cadillac, but fewer can 'twixt a '70's silverface Deluxe Reverb and a pre-CBS one...


the Heritage amps i have rival a Komet 60 i had for a few years or any 65amps model, all of which sell for >$3500

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Just saw this DjM, I'm still not set on a price but I believe it's worth more than that. Thanks D


Forum rules require a price for anything for sale.


Without an asking price or at least a general idea if this rig is even for sale, this will turn into a 'make me an offer' thread.

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