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playing out of two roland jc 90's


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you know , i been playing blues and jazz and americana for a looooong time..and my guitars and amps are integral to my sound in that,i only played through fender tube amps tuned my way with my preferred kind of tubes and speakers,and my guitars also are strung and set up my way.i never even considered a solid state amp, i figured that was like someone trying to get me to eat artificial meat, well, then i go out and buy a rolond jc 90, super impressed, mind you ,i own a 63 champ, a 63 deluxe, a 63 supro thunderbolt,a 74 deluxe, an old kalamazoo, all refined to my liking,and all my guitars are top shelf thinlines or heritage archtops,what i'm laying down here is that, i'm no schoolboy, and i know how to make my sound for just about any application.....that jc 90 blew my mind,,,after i got it, i was thinking about another sound i was looking for, so i was considering a fender super reverb, the 63 model with 4 10's, while i contemplated it i just could wrap my mind around it,so i passed, well last week i found another roland jc 90 mint condition so i bought it,and now i'm playing out of two roland jc 90's through an a/b splitter, man oh man! no wonder why i am satisfied beyond description,i can stack theses two and have the cleanest fullest jazz sound you ever heard, or spread them apart on blow the roof off a boogie barn..i just ordered new reverb cans (17 ") to get the better of it all..one amp wet, one amp dry when they are stacked..makes that sweet 16 talk like an angel.


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it's a huge increase in dynamics, what that means to me is that it improve my ability to hear. often we listen to the sound coming out of a guitar amp combo and we "dig the sound" but in this case, i not only dig the sound (cleaner than clean) but i can hear more of the texture of sound, in other words, i can see better, so, that give my brain a whole lot more input to be reactive to,and subsequenty doors open up for more "discovery, which to me is the cream..

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I am also considering a solid state amp as a second amp to my Fender Hot Rod. In my case, I am thinking about a Marshall 100w, purely for clean sounds. I like the fact that you follow your own star on this issue and that of it sounds good, it doesn't matter that it is a Solid State amp. I haven't seen a Roland amp over here in years though.

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...and another convert. :)


I have owned Roland amps now for an easy 6 years now but loved them for much longer. I once had a JC120, Cube 80x and MicroCube all at the same time. In the end, the JC was just HUGE and WAY louder than anything I'd ever need. After some A/B'ing it with my Cube 80x, I was content that I could exactly what what I wanted from the JC from the Cube. So... I sold it and freed up real estate in my house. haha. Much to my wife's approval.

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I am also considering a solid state amp as a second amp to my Fender Hot Rod. In my case, I am thinking about a Marshall 100w, purely for clean sounds. I like the fact that you follow your own star on this issue and that of it sounds good, it doesn't matter that it is a Solid State amp. I haven't seen a Roland amp over here in years though.

Mambo is made in the UK. I have heard NOTHING but top notch reviews on them.

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some stuff is good for some things and some stuff is good for other things, that's why it's good to have alot of good stuff.


Damn, you've just clearly stated the reason for GAS. And AAS.

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actually i was very fortunate to have been born that way, it's been 50 years of desire shaping the rough stone. i can say now that i am where i want to be with my tools.i've got the skills and instruments to fit what ever is in front of me now,with pure determination and oneness of mind ,an man can achieve anything. i 'm "squared away".

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  • 4 weeks later...


Wow, ironmike, you got Lyle to break bad. No mean feat! I can hear the wheels turning, all the way up in Ontario.

Ontario, that's where I found my L5s, and if the cards would have fell in my favor, a 1952 Les Paul, but alas, they didn't!

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No wonder John Fogerty extolled joys of Proud Mary's "Roland, Roland, Roland on the river".


...Oh, she was a boat? :icon_jokercolor:


LOVE my Cube 60.

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