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Want some whiskey in your AMP, sugar in your tea….?

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Meh. I saw that over-priced Blues Jr. over at the Gear Page forum. It took Fender 10 years to figure out that BJ owners were willing to drop big bucks into their stock amps, customizing them like they were custom cars. (I'm guilty!!). I think they are a bit late to the game with this whiskey barrel amp cabinet.


Plus the market has gotten flooded with great little grab and go amps that beat the pants off of the Blues Jr. in tone and features. Even Fender's own Princeton Reverb RI is a better sounding amp in my view.

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Meh. I saw that over-priced Blues Jr. over at the Gear Page forum. It took Fender 10 years to figure out that BJ owners were willing to drop big bucks into their stock amps, customizing them like they were custom cars. (I'm guilty!!). I think they are a bit late to the game with this whiskey barrel amp cabinet.


Plus the market has gotten flooded with great little grab and go amps that beat the pants off of the Blues Jr. in tone and features. Even Fender's own Princeton Reverb RI is a better sounding amp in my view.


I agree!

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I love the tone of a Princeton, but every Fender PRRI I have played rattled with a well-documented loose baffle or something. They can be fixed with a piece of angle-iron, but I'm not paying that much for a rattling amp. I'm just guilty of pouring too much money into my Blues Junior to get it to sound as good as it does. Yes, it sounds great now, but I probably could have made a better $ decision, had I known how much I'd have invested in the thing by this time. That said, I got a good deal on my cream board BJ brand new from GC 8 years ago or so, so, what with their price increases since then, I'm probably only in it for what a new one would cost.

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yeah....Fender is ripping off Crate now, here is the original








actually that looks better IMO than all the new Crates as well!


That amp looks like it came off of an old pirate's ship!!

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Gotta love the marketing guys..... :icon_smile:




I can see wanting a blues junior, not sure about this one though I'm sure someone will say it's "dripping with tone".



Mama told me not to buy one. :pardon_mini:

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Well a few months ago some girl accidently spilled some tequila in my acoustic amp, is that the same thing???

Probably adds more mojo than the coke-cola that came with one of mine. Took a fair bit of elbow grease to clean it up.

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