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NAD X 2: 1959 Fender Tweed Champ and 1960s Univox


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I have been in the mood to downsize a bit lately, and have gotten rid of a few guitars and my digital piano. I picked up an electronic drum kit, as it is smaller and easier to move around than the acoustic set, but have been unable to bring myself to sell the acoustic set, so it sits in the corner behind the electronic set, stacked up.

If I am to truly devote myself to downsizing, however, I just need to stay out of guitar shops. I’m like a drunk who says he’s quitting, but hangs around in bars… Not a good idea. Friday morning I was heading to a lunch appointment, and I was a bit early, so I stopped by this relatively new independent shop in Pekin, IL. The first thing I saw when I walked in was not one, but TWO vintage Fender Tweed amps, a Champ and a Deluxe. Holy Cow! The owner of Josh’s Guitar Shop, um, Josh, was standing at his station giving a Gibson Les Paul Classic a fret level. He’s a very likable, easy going guy, and told me that they were on consignment from some old guy in Canton, a nearby town, who had bought them new. The old boy had bought the Champ first, in the 50s, and, finding it not loud enough, bought the Deluxe. They had not been used for several decades. Josh got them and did Cap jobs on them, and generally went over them. I had to get to my appointment, but assured him I would be back to check them out. I came back a couple hours later, and tried out the Champ. I couldn’t believe how BIG the amp sounded for such a small package. I had had a silverface Champ in the past, and it wasn’t half the amp that this thing is.
After trying it out, I plugged into another cool old amp he had available, a Univox that looked like it was from the 60s. Man, it sounded great, too! It reminded me of the Magnatone amps that Phil X uses in his guitar demos.
I made an offer on the Champ, and was told that the price was very firm on it. I countered with an offer for the Champ and the Univox, and we made a deal.
I spent some quality time with the Champ tonight. It, almost more than any other amp I have owned, is two separate beasts when used with single coils VS humbuckers. It’s very hard to keep clean with HBs, yet has a very pleasing snarl at a relatively low volume. With SCs, it stays cleaner a bit longer. Very cool amp. Being an old vintage amp, it doesn’t have an out for another speaker, but I’d love to hear it through a larger more efficient driver. Maybe down the road I’ll figure out how to make that happen without ruining the vintage value.
The Champ looks like it has some water damage to the tolex, but is fully functional in every way, with no issues. The rectifier tube was replaced when the Cap job was done, but the pre and power tube appear to be quite old, if not original. The handle is in very good shape, which leads me to believe that it may not be original. Once warmed up and pushing some air, there is a stale cigarette smell emanating from the tiny beast quite common in old amps.
Prior to yesterday, I was pretty sure that my next amp would be a Princeton Reverb of some sort, but these two little amps just kind of found ME.























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That is too sweet, Brian! Happy for you. A while back PK and I compared our 5F1 clone's, not the same to be sure, but both well regarded clone circuits. The difference between the 8" and 10" (which I have stuffed into a standard Champ cab) was tremendous. Hope you can find a way to do it.


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Congrats! Nice vintage amp snatches, Brian. If you can locate an RCA (male) converter to 1/4" (female) cable, you'll be able to connect that Champ to a larger speaker cab. Weber used to sell them, if I recall correctly.


Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Tim, Lyle (LK115) send me a PM suggesting this, as well. I gotta make that happen. I compared my 5E3 KBP810 Tweed Deluxe Clone to the mighty Champ tonight, and, as you would expect, the Deluxe, with it's 12" speaker overpowered the Champ, but both had most righteous tone. As small as the Champ is, don't mistake it for a "bedroom volume" amp that you will be playing while the baby sleeps in the next room. It's got attitude, and is quite loud only halfway up the dial, which, of course, goes to 11... There is more flexibility with the two interactive volumes knobs and a tone knob on the Deluxe. After running the Deluxe and then going back to the Champ, you can't help but notice a bit of boxiness, for lack of a better term from the small speaker/cab of the Champ, not unlike the common complaint about Fender Blues Juniors. I can't imagine that putting the circuit through a bigger speaker/cab wouldn't be a night and day experience.

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Tim, Lyle (LK115) send me a PM suggesting this, as well. I gotta make that happen. I compared my 5E3 KBP810 Tweed Deluxe Clone to the mighty Champ tonight, and, as you would expect, the Deluxe, with it's 12" speaker overpowered the Champ, but both had most righteous tone. As small as the Champ is, don't mistake it for a "bedroom volume" amp that you will be playing while the baby sleeps in the next room. It's got attitude, and is quite loud only halfway up the dial, which, of course, goes to 11... There is more flexibility with the two interactive volumes knobs and a tone knob on the Deluxe. After running the Deluxe and then going back to the Champ, you can't help but notice a bit of boxiness, for lack of a better term from the small speaker/cab of the Champ, not unlike the common complaint about Fender Blues Juniors. I can't imagine that putting the circuit through a bigger speaker/cab wouldn't be a night and day experience.


that very idea has me wanting to build a champ amp head cabinet or a larger combo such as a 2x10.... Nice snatch, nice snatch indeed.

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Tim, Lyle (LK115) send me a PM suggesting this, as well. ...



Guess I wasn't paying attention, as it seems I just lost 40 somewhere. I'll look for it today.

Maybe it's the exchange rate kicking in.

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Guess I wasn't paying attention, as it seems I just lost 40 somewhere. I'll look for it today.

Maybe it's the exchange rate kicking in.


:laughing4::laughing4: 155 down to 115.... Oops! Well, things DO tend to shrink over time, buddy.... :laughing7:

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Two nice snatches are better than one nice snatch! I love the photo number 8 in the series, with the Champ next to the Univox. I swear that looks like a dead fish sitting on the Univox!!

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