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set of Gibby Burstbuckers on New era H150?


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Howdy.... i was thinking if a set of the Gibson burstbuckers in alnico V be a good fit on the H150? 

I need more girthy thick low mids than scoop up of the 59s.... has anybody installed set of burstbuckers A2, A4 or A5 and yield good results? Being not too much on the highs ? But with a weightier girthy mids still tight on the bottom lows ?


Am a mid output player but not too low.... i actually think a duncan JB would foot the bill on my H150 yet because mine is an Oxblood H150 and i just wanna mod it being a tribute jeff beck guitar..... so to speak a gibson burstbucker with an alnico V be a better fit as its more vintage vibe in it?

10 minutes ago, Millennium Maestro said:

Duncan makes better pickups in my opinion. the JB is an A5 wound to 16.4K... Not a design from the Gibson line available similar. Enjoy your oxblood!

Thanks @Millennium Maestro... i probably think the duncan antiquities are cool too.... if they are not overly bright and with more mids tighter lows it be amazing !!

35 minutes ago, Millennium Maestro said:

Duncan makes better pickups in my opinion. the JB is an A5 wound to 16.4K... Not a design from the Gibson line available similar. Enjoy your oxblood!

The 498T has an A5 magnet and is wound around the 14.5k range.

3 hours ago, hopkinwfg said:

Thanks @Millennium Maestro... i probably think the duncan antiquities are cool too.... if they are not overly bright and with more mids tighter lows it be amazing !!

I think the Antiquity is more vintage output with a lower wind and A2 magnets.    I wouldn't think it was close to the JB.

3 hours ago, TalismanRich said:

I think the Antiquity is more vintage output with a lower wind and A2 magnets.    I wouldn't think it was close to the JB.

Thanks but am still not sure what to put in.... but does anybody here knows what kinda pickup did jeff beck used after he purchased that goldtop 54 makeover which later becomes the famous oxblood color? Was it merely an old PAF by gibson originally it had when it was made in goldtop or it swapped out for the duncan JB model ? 


I may be a little late, but I have a set of Gibson BB2/3 I pulled out of an Epi '59 Standard. They were pulled out about a month after I got it. Just in case you feel like rolling pickups.

1 hour ago, ElChoad said:

I may be a little late, but I have a set of Gibson BB2/3 I pulled out of an Epi '59 Standard. They were pulled out about a month after I got it. Just in case you feel like rolling pickups.

Thanks for ya offer but am now pretty set on the right pickups being an antiquity jazz/JB ... i just wanna mod this to be a close jeff beck 54.... 😅


More low thick mids than the '59? Custom 5 from Seymour Duncan. It's a Duncan Custom with an A5 magnet, like a beefier 59.

Gibson does make some nice pickups, but I find their naming conventions to be pretty confusing. Most of their pickups are vintage voiced though, and honestly overpriced for what they are. I would consult a custom maker if you were looking to spend Gibson level money on pickups.

My H150 has two '59s, and I love the sound it has. I have some Hamers with '59 / JB sets, which I also love, just gotta remember to lower the JB a bit to get it how I like it.

7 hours ago, tbonesullivan said:

More low thick mids than the '59? Custom 5 from Seymour Duncan. It's a Duncan Custom with an A5 magnet, like a beefier 59.

Gibson does make some nice pickups, but I find their naming conventions to be pretty confusing. Most of their pickups are vintage voiced though, and honestly overpriced for what they are. I would consult a custom maker if you were looking to spend Gibson level money on pickups.

My H150 has two '59s, and I love the sound it has. I have some Hamers with '59 / JB sets, which I also love, just gotta remember to lower the JB a bit to get it how I like it.

I supposed a low mids kinda pup with the mids thats aggressive will make the H150 standout thats just me... i think the H150 sound way clearer and lots highs... its good in a way it also sound organic but i felt its missing out some mids on the 59 pup....

But did you mean the JB will sound much better when lowering the pup lower away from strings? 


1 hour ago, TalismanRich said:

I think Tbone is saying to low the JB because the output can be higher than the '59.    Output will increase the closer the string is to the pickup.

You might also look at the SD  '59 custom hybrid.   It's a medium output and according to SD, it has much more midrange than the more mid scooped '59.


Ohhh.... thanks mate !! I like the JB but on the other hand i have found the JB that i have (newer version) on my Jackson is clinical and less open compares to the burstbuckers on my gibson R8 ..... i wonder if its the potting effect on the JB that causes such character then i will go with unpotted JB.... have heard of the throbak 101plus with A5 magnets and i suppose its very open organic but with the mid we like.....?

12 hours ago, hopkinwfg said:

Ohhh.... thanks mate !! I like the JB but on the other hand i have found the JB that i have (newer version) on my Jackson is clinical and less open compares to the burstbuckers on my gibson R8 ..... i wonder if its the potting effect on the JB that causes such character then i will go with unpotted JB.... have heard of the throbak 101plus with A5 magnets and i suppose its very open organic but with the mid we like.....?

"clinical" might be a good way to put it, though they aren't as "bad" as the Schaller or Carvin / Kiesel pickups, which are almost sterile. That's not always a bad thing, but if you want to rock and get some snarl, they are not the best choice. I love the '59s and the JB pickups, but when I want an old school raunchy rock sound, I grab my H158 with Seth Lovers. I also like the 57 Classic and Classic + set in my SG.

On 4/2/2024 at 1:03 AM, davesultra said:

The 498T has an A5 magnet and is wound around the 14.5k range.

Thanks for pointing out @davesultra !! after checking out this video....


Mmmmm... sound fantastic!! 

23 minutes ago, tbonesullivan said:

"clinical" might be a good way to put it, though they aren't as "bad" as the Schaller or Carvin / Kiesel pickups, which are almost sterile. That's not always a bad thing, but if you want to rock and get some snarl, they are not the best choice. I love the '59s and the JB pickups, but when I want an old school raunchy rock sound, I grab my H158 with Seth Lovers. I also like the 57 Classic and Classic + set in my SG.

Have ya tried the true Jeff beck telegib pickups on H150s? 

It appears to be made available thru duncan concept model.... how different are these telegib JBs vs antiquity jazz/JB?

8 minutes ago, hopkinwfg said:

Have ya tried the true Jeff beck telegib pickups on H150s? 

It appears to be made available thru duncan concept model.... how different are these telegib JBs vs antiquity jazz/JB?

The "Concept Set" writeup isn't really clear as to whether they are made "Just like" the Telegib set, or whether they are just a JB and Jazz made with old style base plates and made to look just like the telegib. I don't know if there would be much sonic difference.

2 minutes ago, tbonesullivan said:

The "Concept Set" writeup isn't really clear as to whether they are made "Just like" the Telegib set, or whether they are just a JB and Jazz made with old style base plates and made to look just like the telegib. I don't know if there would be much sonic difference.

Thank anyway !! But anybody could help chime in ? Appreciate !!

1 hour ago, hopkinwfg said:

Thank anyway !! But anybody could help chime in ? Appreciate !!

For that, you might want to ask SEymour Duncan, or go to their forum. I'm sure some of the hardcore SD fans have ordered some.


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